script for ?

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script for ?

Post by Harry »

I've been testing around with scripts but I cannot make one for the website

It's A nice Dutch website with dvd-reviews .

My problem is that I know nothing about programming.

By trying to adjust other script I cannot let it find the right adress.

I wonder if someone can create me a script. or send me a script that is simular build up. So that I can adjust it easely?

the script should look at baseadress :
for the name of movie , go to that line & jump to position right after : href="
read the chars until it encounters char ' "> ' (its a number)

then it should go to the adress : (where xxx = the chars(number) read above)

once on the page I think I can by copying from others scripts en adjusting some things let the rest work (finding year,producer ,actors etc..)
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Post by antp »

actually the base URL is :
to what you can append the movie title for the search

Post by Guest »

thanks I will retry my attemps later on
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Post by Harry »

I just can't get it to work,

can some help me just to the point where the sripts find the moviepage ?

I would appreciate it a lot.

The part of analyzing the moviepage should be no trouble .

My problems is just finding the movie page

Any help is welkom
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Post by antp »

In the returned page, just search for all the reviews.php?reviewid= strings. These are the ones to put in the Picklist (with added in front of them of course)

Post by Guest »

The return page seems not to be the valid one.

when I do the search then for "reviews.php?reviewid=" It only finds the films listed on the right site of the page without the found entries at the centre of the page.

I think the problems are :
that when the page opens the first time , the centre of the page is not the list of the found entries but an Ad.
In IE at the second time it display then right.
But when I build this in the script it end in an endless loop or it just finds no movies
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Post by Harry »

Sorry forgot to login .

guest = Harry
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Post by antp »

This ad thing is a problem :/
It probably checks referers and/or cookies, but none is currently managed. For that you'll have to wait for a 4.x version of Ant Movie Catalog.
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Post by Harry »

Ok, meanwhile I will search the net for other review pages in dutch en if finding one try to write a script for it.
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