I've been testing around with scripts but I cannot make one for the website www.dvd.nl
It's A nice Dutch website with dvd-reviews .
My problem is that I know nothing about programming.
By trying to adjust other script I cannot let it find the right adress.
I wonder if someone can create me a script. or send me a script that is simular build up. So that I can adjust it easely?
the script should look at baseadress : http://www.dvd.nl/reviews.php
for the name of movie , go to that line & jump to position right after : href="http://www.dvd.nl/reviews.php?reviewid=
read the chars until it encounters char ' "> ' (its a number)
then it should go to the adress : http://www.dvd.nl/reviews.php?reviewid=xxx (where xxx = the chars(number) read above)
once on the page I think I can by copying from others scripts en adjusting some things let the rest work (finding year,producer ,actors etc..)
script for www.dvd.nl ?
actually the base URL is :
to what you can append the movie title for the search
to what you can append the movie title for the search
In the returned page, just search for all the reviews.php?reviewid= strings. These are the ones to put in the Picklist (with http://www.dvd.nl/ added in front of them of course)
The return page seems not to be the valid one.
when I do the search then for "reviews.php?reviewid=" It only finds the films listed on the right site of the page without the found entries at the centre of the page.
I think the problems are :
that when the page opens the first time , the centre of the page is not the list of the found entries but an Ad.
In IE at the second time it display then right.
But when I build this in the script it end in an endless loop or it just finds no movies
when I do the search then for "reviews.php?reviewid=" It only finds the films listed on the right site of the page without the found entries at the centre of the page.
I think the problems are :
that when the page opens the first time , the centre of the page is not the list of the found entries but an Ad.
In IE at the second time it display then right.
But when I build this in the script it end in an endless loop or it just finds no movies