another suggestion I came up with.
I was inspired by the TV.com script viewtopic.php?t=2571
would it be possible to connect different catalogs.
E.g. I have a catalog with all my dvds. One entry is Friends. I have another catalog in which only all Friends episodes are stored in detail.
It would be fantastic if I could click (or anyhow) on the Friends entry in the DVD-catalog and can select the Friends catalog to get to the detailed catalog...
Hope this was understandable
Connect different Catalogs
I like the sub-category idea, and if you are going to use a seperate list for series, i know of a way to make te prog do the drop down listing
First copy in all episodes
then take and put say "Stargate Sg1" in the translated title of each ep
then if you organize by translated title, u will have the dropdown listing u are looking for
First copy in all episodes
then take and put say "Stargate Sg1" in the translated title of each ep
then if you organize by translated title, u will have the dropdown listing u are looking for