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by raguchi
2008-02-28 20:50:41
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Comments
Topic: separate kbps fields for each audio stream (dual/trial/...)
Replies: 1
Views: 1464

separate kbps fields for each audio stream (dual/trial/...)

when importing file specifications, if the file has more than one audio streams, the value of the kbps field is the sum of all the streams, regardless of the audio format too(AC3,mp3, ,...).

I think we're losing the meaning of that specification.

great program!!!! :wink:
by raguchi
2008-01-18 12:24:34
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Comments
Topic: allow to edit fields when you select multiple movies
Replies: 1
Views: 1415

allow to edit fields when you select multiple movies

When you select multiple movies from the list, the fields become non-editable.
¿Could it be posible to turn them into editable by clicking them for example?

an example, when you insert several movies that all have spanish subtitles it's tedious having to fill this field one by one.

by raguchi
2008-01-17 12:58:54
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Bug reports
Topic: only extracts the duration of the first .avi file
Replies: 4
Views: 2849

OK, It's checked out: Both versions I've posted work OK with the internal engine, and both don't work OK with the Media Info.

i'll use internal engine from now on.

thanks!! ;)
by raguchi
2008-01-16 11:26:50
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Bug reports
Topic: only extracts the duration of the first .avi file
Replies: 4
Views: 2849

Actually, it keeps the duration of the last avi file (without adding the previous values). i've tried another version and it works OK: --------------------------- Información --------------------------- moviecatalog.exe : versión (creado el 29/05/2005 11:51:40) AMCExchange.dll : versión 1.0....
by raguchi
2008-01-09 14:26:07
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Bug reports
Topic: only extracts the duration of the first .avi file
Replies: 4
Views: 2849

only extracts the duration of the first .avi file

When you're importing video information from several .avi files (CD1, CD2, etc...), it only extracts the length of the first part, it doesn't add the diferent durations of all the files. i'm using this version: --------------------------- Información --------------------------- moviecatalog.exe : ve...