allow to edit fields when you select multiple movies

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allow to edit fields when you select multiple movies

Post by raguchi »

When you select multiple movies from the list, the fields become non-editable.
¿Could it be posible to turn them into editable by clicking them for example?

an example, when you insert several movies that all have spanish subtitles it's tedious having to fill this field one by one.

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Post by antp »

It will probably be added some day, but currently this can be done using scripting (Tools menu).
There are one or two scripts made for that, e.g. "update fields".
Else doing such script can be simple, e.g. go in Editor page of the scripting window, click "New", and enter:

Code: Select all

program NewScript;
  SetField(fieldSubtitles, 'Spanish');
then click "Run".
the list of field names is found in the help file.

ps: be sure that "movies to include" option is set on "selected" and not on "all" ;)
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