Rubendis wrote: ↑2025-02-06 14:06:28
Pero en mi caso probé y llega a pocas busquedas.
Por ejemplo, buscas Superman y llega al 2020 y Batman y llega al 2018 , cuando hay muchas versiones anteriores.
¿Has probado a usar la opción SearchByFromToYears=0|0|0=Sin búsqueda por un año|1=Bus dentro de un período de años
Creo haber detectado un pequeño fallo que quizás sea fácil de solucionar en próximas versiones. Cuando hay un punto y aparte en la sinopsis solo importa hasta el punto y aparte ignorando el resto de la sinopsis. Me ha pasado en esta serie Star Wars: La remesa mala Updated in
[UPD ES] Filmaffinity 4.1 - update for serie's sinopsis Actualización para las sinopsis de la serie. (*************************************************** Ant Movie Catalog importation script [Infos] Authors=aviloria ( modded by: rodpedja (rodpedj...
If I update the script, Index of/amc/scripts/, are these modifications included? Usually Antp writes "Updated" in posts (until now I didn't see it in . Anyway, you can copy/past code from that post into your Filmaffinity script's folder (u...
Imprescindible que en la carpeta Scripts estén los ficheros StringUtils1.pas y StringUtils7552.pas . Si alguien no los tiene, que descargue el fichero RAR directamente de y los copie de la carpeta Scripts a la suya. Gracias. lo explicaste perfectamente. :clap...
AUPAKEPA wrote: ↑2025-02-05 07:11:02
The search works, but some fields are not filled in, for example original title or producer, composer, year. Anyway it's a step forward. Thanks
I was told about the problem in choosing the film. To verify that the fields are correctly filled in, please provide me with some examples...
Updated in : Actualización para las sinopsis de la serie. Actualización con nueva búsqueda de títulos. Comprobado con algunos títulos, déjame saber cómo funciona. Update with new title search. Checked with some titles, let me know how it works. Updat...
what a pity! it would be a truly precious thing. Thanks anyway.
I remember a post from someone who had experienced something like this but I can't find the related post anymore....
EDIT Ho trovato una soluzione per rendere "portabile" il sistema e lo script: 1) in una cartella si deve si deve inserire tutta la cartella AMC portabile 2) nella cartella "Catalogs" si inserisce il data-base da urtilizzare e tutti i files che si vorranno verificare. 3) si apre i...
The documentation says that the current path is by default the catalog's path, so I would expect that providing "images\image1.jpg" would work? The tip was great! The images must be in a folder contained in the same folder as the catalog and the program can be anywhere on the PC (I will t...
In a script I would like to import an image from a local file with ImportPicture(Address_image) where Address_image is a field containing the relative address of the image itself. The AMC application is located in C:\portables\Ant Movie Catalog the database AMC is in f:\archives\Science Fiction and ...
My catalog is just saved as catalog Very well, your problem seems to be resolved. :grinking: :) Will you tell me if your catalog is a file "xyz.amc" and images are contained within it? Where did you changed the .jpg name? in a field of the catalog? in folder? in both of them? I'm really i...
Your catalog is saved as xml? Pictures are in a separate folder?
please extract some titles from your catalog, save them in a next catalog and send it to me (with related images), so that I can well understand and resolve your questions.
E' possibile spezzare una stringa "troppo lunga" contenente vari periodi usando una espressione regolare? Io uso "SIGIL" per gli epub e l'espressione regolare è: - cambia '(.{399})([^ ]+)(\.\s)(.)' - in '\1\2.</p>\n\n<p>\4' per spezzare stringhe lunghe più di 399 caratteri al pun...