how to check for a file existence

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how to check for a file existence

Post by fulvio53s03 »

Ho trovato una soluzione per rendere "portabile" il sistema e lo script:
1) in una cartella si deve si deve inserire tutta la cartella AMC portabile
2) nella cartella "Catalogs" si inserisce il data-base da urtilizzare e tutti i files che si vorranno verificare.
3) si apre il data-base interessato e in "Preferenze --> Files" si deve indicare "reopen last used file" e poi aprire / salvare il data-base.
4) l'istruzione da utilizzaree per conoscerre il percorso dei files si ottiene con l'istruzione: "path_attuale := getCurrentdir".
Resto a disposizione per uno script di esempio.

I found a solution to make system and script "portable":
1) you must insert the entire portable AMC folder into a folder
2) insert the database to be used and all the files you want to verify in the "Catalogs" folder.
3) open the relevant database and in "Preferences --> Files" you must indicate "reopen last used file" and then open/save the database.
4) the instruction to use to know the path of the files is obtained with the instruction: "current_path := getCurrentdir".
I remain available for a sample script.

I have a problem similar to viewtopic.php?t=42926): how to check for a file existence (not an image).
As before I need to verify if file "Galassia_001.pdf" exists, using a script within AMC portable, with the aim of making my script portable.
Obviousely drive name, C and F can be changed if alla files are migrated to a removable drive or a system with different drive letters, so that original:
program: "C:\portabili\Ant Movie Catalog\MovieCatalog.exe"
dataBase : "F:\$$$ Megasync\$$$ Fantascienza\Fantascienza.amc"
image : "F:\$$$ Megasync\$$$ Fantascienza\Galassia (La Tribuna)\pdf\Galassia_001.pdf"

can be migrated to:
program: "d:\portabili\Ant Movie Catalog\MovieCatalog.exe"
dataBase : "d:\$$$ Megasync\$$$ Fantascienza\Fantascienza.amc"
image : "d:\$$$ Megasync\$$$ Fantascienza\Galassia (La Tribuna)\pdf\Galassia_001.pdf"
In ANC Help I saw Help about "Functions to manipulate files and folders" but I need help to create a script "to concatenate" hìthese function so to reach my aim.
I hope to be clear... Would you help me? :stupid:
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Re: how to check for a file existence

Post by boristhecat »

I have only ever used AMC in a portable way for all the years I've had it. However I don't understand your question or what you wish to achieve. If you wish to use it portably, just download the portable version from the website?
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Re: how to check for a file existence

Post by fulvio53s03 »

boristhecat wrote: 2025-02-17 01:33:19 ... I don't understand your question or what you wish to achieve ...
Voglio creare un CD / DVD contenente alcuni files (film/libri/comics/musica), catalogati con AMC.
Masterizzo il CD/DVD che contiene tali files ed il relativo catalogo. Nel campo URL c'è l'indirizzo del file e selezionando "Open URL" apro tale file!

I want to create a CD / DVD containing some files (films/books/comics/music), cataloged with AMC.
I burn the CD/DVD that contains these files and the related catalogue. In the URL field there is the address of the file and by selecting "Open URL" I open that file!

I hope to be clear. :grinking:
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Re: how to check for a file existence

Post by boristhecat »

Oh I see. What I might try would be firstly ensure portable AMC is in the same overall folder as the films, and the films etc would be in their own sub-folder, inside the main folder. Drag and drop the file onto the interface of AMC. You will notice that the file path appears in the File Path dialogue box.
Then open the dialogue box menu and choose 'Open URL'.
As long as you have default programs ready to play whatever format your file is in, you should be golden.
Edit: I just tried it with a PDF file and it does not work, it probably only recognises movie formats.
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Re: how to check for a file existence

Post by fulvio53s03 »

boristhecat wrote: 2025-02-17 06:10:26 ... it probably only recognises movie formats...
That's strange!
Be patient, I hope to be able to give you a working example.
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