Search found 40 matches

by Eddie
2010-08-24 13:43:57
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Modification of PK's MovieDB [UPDATE 2009-06-04]
Replies: 116
Views: 71160

Ok, lets try and help you out. This template needs a webserver and a database, most likely MySQL. Easiest way to start trying things without an external webspace would be to grab xampp at apachefriends . After unpacking/installing you should get a webserver and MySQL running. Now open your browser a...
by Eddie
2010-05-02 15:57:31
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Modification of PK's MovieDB [UPDATE 2009-06-04]
Replies: 116
Views: 71160

looks interesting, even if I personally don't need it :) Nonetheless, good job.
by Eddie
2010-05-02 15:56:12
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Mods
Topic: Mobile App (Iphone/Android)
Replies: 4
Views: 5576

What features do you expect a mobile version of AMC to have?
Do you want to edit your collection on a small screen like that or just browse it?
by Eddie
2010-04-06 07:48:57
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: PK's MovieDB new movies
Replies: 2
Views: 2736

Yes, it should. Even worse, the link is still not working :(
by Eddie
2010-04-01 14:09:53
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Modification of PK's MovieDB [UPDATE 2009-06-04]
Replies: 116
Views: 71160

File not found error :(
by Eddie
2010-03-03 09:41:24
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Modification of PK's MovieDB [UPDATE 2009-06-04]
Replies: 116
Views: 71160

Ok, here we go... Then tried to find line linking trailer... That's ok in "details.tpl", but I don't know what part I have to copy, and between what and what... If I wan't to change it. Well it will depend on the third point ;-) The easiset way to place a link to the trailer is using this ...
by Eddie
2010-02-12 12:35:50
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Modification of PK's MovieDB [UPDATE 2009-06-04]
Replies: 116
Views: 71160

Asuming you are using the detail view, then inside the template "detail_view.tpl" you should search for a line containing something like that <div class='description'>$MOVIE[DESCRIPTION](300) In that line you find the text that is displayed when the description is longer than 300 character...
by Eddie
2010-02-11 11:09:52
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Modification of PK's MovieDB [UPDATE 2009-06-04]
Replies: 116
Views: 71160

The link isn't working for me (will retry at home), so I can't give you further infos. Will look at it later again.
by Eddie
2010-01-28 13:00:25
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Mods
Topic: [29.4.2010] Pocket AMC Reader v0.31 released
Replies: 15
Views: 18578

Looks nice. Well done!
by Eddie
2010-01-13 19:11:00
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Password Protect HTML
Replies: 8
Views: 4081

Is that true? YOu have to pay in order to get a MySQL database at that hoster? Well, you will probably find others, also with FTP support, which include mysql and are still for free..
by Eddie
2010-01-13 13:39:58
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: PK's MovieDB Release.V3.0 (Dynamic PHP View)
Replies: 564
Views: 246525

Assuming you are in detail view, then look for the file "detail_view.tpl". Inside this file look for this: {ACTORS;3;, }<a href='$ACTOR[HREF]'>$ACTOR[NAME]</a>{/ACTORS} and replace it with $MOVIE[COMMENTS] You must also replace the part infront of it, otherwise it will still say "Acto...
by Eddie
2010-01-13 13:25:58
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Password Protect HTML
Replies: 8
Views: 4081

What kind of webserver are you running? Which hoster?
.htaccess would be the easiest way but you could also use some PHP-scripts.
by Eddie
2010-01-12 08:20:07
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: PK's MovieDB Release.V3.0 (Dynamic PHP View)
Replies: 564
Views: 246525

First things first..
To remove panels, just set them to FALSE in the

To replace Actors with Comments, just look inside the template and replace the fields :)
I haven't checked if the Comments are displayable or if we have to alter a few more things.
by Eddie
2010-01-12 08:10:33
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Numbers over 999
Replies: 6
Views: 2682

where? Maybe column too small?
by Eddie
2010-01-01 15:52:59
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: This is my html template for Ant Movie Catalog.
Replies: 5
Views: 5642

thanks for sharing, but could you upload some screenshots, I guess not everyone is willing to download and check it out on his own :)
by Eddie
2009-12-20 11:58:53
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Automatic Numbering
Replies: 3
Views: 1722

You are right, was typing out of memory :)
by Eddie
2009-12-17 15:29:13
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Automatic Numbering
Replies: 3
Views: 1722

Under Settings, movie information: There is an option called "Ask for number".
by Eddie
2009-12-12 10:38:58
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Modification of PK's MovieDB [UPDATE 2009-06-04]
Replies: 116
Views: 71160

Good job...
by Eddie
2009-12-07 20:14:12
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Modification of PK's MovieDB [UPDATE 2009-06-04]
Replies: 116
Views: 71160

Atleast xampp worked for me after setting "short_open_tag" in php.ini to "On".
xampp uses several different mysql libraries, but I've no clue if that's the problem.
by Eddie
2009-12-07 18:35:51
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Modification of PK's MovieDB [UPDATE 2009-06-04]
Replies: 116
Views: 71160

Can you please specify which versions of apache, MySQL, PHP...
Are you using xampp or any other package?