At the beginning Thank You for developing Ant Movie Catalog.
This is the first time I have downloaded and installed AMC. Now mty requirement are as follows:
1. I would like to add thumbnail preview of the both front and back cover of the DVD from internet(as scanning is not an option). And a detailed list of the Actors and others involved in the making of the movie (more detail the merrier).
So which script/s should suit me best? Sorry if it is a very silly question but I am little bowled over by the list of the available script.
2. I have used another cataloging software ( for some time and some of my collection is already cataloged through this software.
Now is it possible to import the database of this software into AMC? I tried it but got an error: "Wrong lines at the beginning of the XML file"(or something like it).
My OS is Win XPO Pro with SP3 updated to the latest.
Please help me out

Thank you.