First Time user, help required regarding importing

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First Time user, help required regarding importing

Post by SRoyC »


At the beginning Thank You for developing Ant Movie Catalog.

This is the first time I have downloaded and installed AMC. Now mty requirement are as follows:

1. I would like to add thumbnail preview of the both front and back cover of the DVD from internet(as scanning is not an option). And a detailed list of the Actors and others involved in the making of the movie (more detail the merrier).

So which script/s should suit me best? Sorry if it is a very silly question but I am little bowled over by the list of the available script.

2. I have used another cataloging software ( for some time and some of my collection is already cataloged through this software.
Now is it possible to import the database of this software into AMC? I tried it but got an error: "Wrong lines at the beginning of the XML file"(or something like it).

My OS is Win XPO Pro with SP3 updated to the latest.

Please help me out :(

Thank you.
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Re: First Time user, help required regarding importing

Post by bad4u »

SRoyC wrote:I would like to add thumbnail preview of the both front and back cover of the DVD from internet(as scanning is not an option).
Unfortunately for the moment (and probably for the next future) AMC only supports one picture for a movie.
And a detailed list of the Actors and others involved in the making of the movie (more detail the merrier).
Most scripts import actors, producers and director if available on the corresponding website, as AMC provides fields for these. If there is more data available on the website, it might be possible to 'tweak' or modify an existing script and import this data e.g. to comments field (or similar).
So which script/s should suit me best? Sorry if it is a very silly question but I am little bowled over by the list of the available script.
For english websites you might want to try IMDB, allmovie or dvdempire scripts, as these should be the most popular ones, I guess. Make sure you have a look on the scripts options (on the right side of the scripting window), as sometimes import of specific fields could be varied via option (e.g. full actors import on IMDB script).
Now is it possible to import the database of this software into AMC?

Maybe ;)
You could try to export your movie list to .csv (or maybe .txt) format and then import as many fields as possible into AMC using csv/excel import. You cannot use XML import to import collectorz database directly, as its structure differs from AMC's XML database format. Though with some knowledge in scripting (and some time..) it should be possible to change XML file format from collectorz to AMC via scripting.
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Post by SRoyC »

Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately, I have no experience in scripting what so ever. :(
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Post by bad4u »

I did a short test with movie collector, and you can easily import your movies into AMC (at least from the PRO edition, as export options might be missing on STANDARD version):

1. On movie collector software open export window for text files: "File -> Export to -> Text"

2. For the name of exported catalog use .csv extension (e.g. ExportedList.csv)

3. On export window set "Delimiter" to "Semicolon", "Text Qualifier" to "Double Quotes" and "Replace linebreaks by" to "New line marker \n"

4. Click on the "Fields" button and choose all the fields you want to export. For better survey you should only export fields that you want to import into AMC later (e.g. AMC does not have "Backcover" or "Tape Speed", so leave them unmarked, it will be easier then to sort fields on AMC import later)

5. Export your list..

6. Now start a new, empty catalog in AMC and open csv import: "File -> Import -> CSV/Text Excel"

7. Choose your file ("source file") and open it. The list with movie details should open on the preview window now.

8. Click on each column header and you will see a menu to choose the field to import specific column data (e.g. set header 1 to "Original Title", the next one to "Year" etc).

9. Don't forget to set Field delimiter, Text Block delimiter and Linebreaks to same options you used on exported file (semicolon, double quotes and \n ).

10. Start import..

Enjoy AMC ;)
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Post by SRoyC »

Thank you very much for your support. I shall try it today and let you know about the outcome.
but IMHO, adding a feature of front and back cover for each movie will really be great (if technically feasible that is). :)
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Post by antp »

Yes I should add multiple images support, but I do not know when it will be done.
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Post by SRoyC »

Thank you, I shall eagerly wait for the update as I continue using your excellent program :)
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Post by SRoyC »


A little problem... as I try to search in, I get the following window which seems not to be working :(
Could some one please tell me how to resolve this issue:

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Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

Sure. You are still using previous script version 2.0.4. Whenever the website changes its structure, the script needs to be updated, too.

Download latest script version 2.0.8 from and copy it to your scripts folder or start script [ UPDATE_SCRIPTS ] from within AMC.
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Post by SRoyC »

Thanks very is working perfectly now :)
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