Hi folks!
I really enjoy this movie catalog - its great!
BUT: Silly me made a mistake when entering around 1200 movies: In a first step i ran the scripts to fill in the movies data field, - and in a second step i dragged the files in to let the media info component fill in codec, filesize etc.
Now i didnt uncheck filesize, number of discs and length - so now the playing time in minutes is DOUBLED (e.g. the movie is 90 minutes - so the script filled in 90mins and media info added another 90 mins -> 180 mins total).
Is there an easy, LAZY way (without need to interact for each movie) to refill/correct/rewrite/update just the fields "length", "filesize" and "number of discs"?
Any hint is highly appreciated!
Help: a lazy bulk method to fix wrong movie length
For the Length and Number of discs, you just want to divide by two then?
With such script it should work:
But about the file size, what has to be done?
For the Length and Number of discs, you just want to divide by two then?
With such script it should work:
Code: Select all
program NewScript;
n: Integer;
n := StrToInt(GetField(fieldLength), 0) div 2;
SetField(fieldLength, IntToStr(n));
n := StrToInt(GetField(fieldDisks), 0) div 2;
SetField(fieldDisks, IntToStr(n));