Help: a lazy bulk method to fix wrong movie length

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Joined: 2009-03-27 10:35:35

Help: a lazy bulk method to fix wrong movie length

Post by licht77 »

Hi folks!

I really enjoy this movie catalog - its great!
BUT: Silly me made a mistake when entering around 1200 movies: In a first step i ran the scripts to fill in the movies data field, - and in a second step i dragged the files in to let the media info component fill in codec, filesize etc.

Now i didnt uncheck filesize, number of discs and length - so now the playing time in minutes is DOUBLED (e.g. the movie is 90 minutes - so the script filled in 90mins and media info added another 90 mins -> 180 mins total).

Is there an easy, LAZY way (without need to interact for each movie) to refill/correct/rewrite/update just the fields "length", "filesize" and "number of discs"?

Any hint is highly appreciated!
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Post by antp »

For the Length and Number of discs, you just want to divide by two then?
With such script it should work:

Code: Select all

program NewScript;
  n: Integer;
  n := StrToInt(GetField(fieldLength), 0) div 2;
  SetField(fieldLength, IntToStr(n));
  n := StrToInt(GetField(fieldDisks), 0) div 2;
  SetField(fieldDisks, IntToStr(n));
But about the file size, what has to be done?
Posts: 2
Joined: 2009-03-27 10:35:35

Post by licht77 »

WOW! You saved my lazy ass :) Thanks a lot for your fast reponse!

Your Database is GREAT - go on with your work!
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