ANTBE can help me? timeout in script...

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ANTBE can help me? timeout in script...

Post by gnbusetto »

I re-write Legrad's script 'DVDMOVIES'
and it's now working fine...
When you connect to search first time 'connection erro' shows.
Re-search again, and voilá, all it's OK!!!!

Maybe it´s a cokie?
or what else'

Can help me?
thank a lot.
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Post by antp »

Maybe there is a variable that is not initialized.
Try to check value of the variables that you give to GetPage function.
Posts: 1148
Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

On the first run it loads the intro page instead of the search page. You can see this behaviour when you open a new browser window and try to load the search page ( ... anzado.php) in the browser. Same happens when the browser within AMC loads the page.

You will need to find a different link for the search that loads the correct page or maybe there is another way using Getpage2 (with a referrer page) ? I did not use GetPage2 yet - I just played around with it earlier, but still not sure about how it works. Maybe Antoine can give an example ? ;)
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Post by antp »

GetPage2(Address, '');
But as referrer is never used with GetPage, it should not work better on 2nd time. So I still wonder what it is. Maybe a cookie, but I thought that they were not handled automatically.
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Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

Maybe I'll have a closer look on it the next days.

For now I have a simple workaround - you only have to load the intro page before loading the search page.

Code: Select all

strPage := GetPage('');
strPage := GetPage(Address);

instead of

Code: Select all

strPage := GetPage(Address);
Btw.. you can delete

Code: Select all

if(GetOption('Sin resultado') = 0) then Input('DVDmovies', 'Buscar:', MovieName);
as you have not initialized any options on script properties.
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