I re-write Legrad's script 'DVDMOVIES'
and it's now working fine...
When you connect to search first time 'connection erro' shows.
Re-search again, and voilá, all it's OK!!!!
Maybe it´s a cokie?
or what else'
Can help me?
thank a lot.
ANTBE can help me? timeout in script...
On the first run it loads the intro page instead of the search page. You can see this behaviour when you open a new browser window and try to load the search page (http://www.dvdmovies.com.ar/ventas/peli ... anzado.php) in the browser. Same happens when the browser within AMC loads the page.
You will need to find a different link for the search that loads the correct page or maybe there is another way using Getpage2 (with a referrer page) ? I did not use GetPage2 yet - I just played around with it earlier, but still not sure about how it works. Maybe Antoine can give an example ?
You will need to find a different link for the search that loads the correct page or maybe there is another way using Getpage2 (with a referrer page) ? I did not use GetPage2 yet - I just played around with it earlier, but still not sure about how it works. Maybe Antoine can give an example ?
GetPage2(Address, 'http://www.dvdmovies.com.ar/');
But as referrer is never used with GetPage, it should not work better on 2nd time. So I still wonder what it is. Maybe a cookie, but I thought that they were not handled automatically.
GetPage2(Address, 'http://www.dvdmovies.com.ar/');
But as referrer is never used with GetPage, it should not work better on 2nd time. So I still wonder what it is. Maybe a cookie, but I thought that they were not handled automatically.
Maybe I'll have a closer look on it the next days.
For now I have a simple workaround - you only have to load the intro page before loading the search page.
instead of
Btw.. you can delete
as you have not initialized any options on script properties.
For now I have a simple workaround - you only have to load the intro page before loading the search page.
Code: Select all
strPage := GetPage('http://www.dvdmovies.com.ar');
strPage := GetPage(Address);
instead of
Code: Select all
strPage := GetPage(Address);
Code: Select all
if(GetOption('Sin resultado') = 0) then Input('DVDmovies', 'Buscar:', MovieName);