When exporting to xml, the existing pictures wont be overwritten. the will be saved with a complete new filename, Thats really anoying.
It would be usefull to save the Pictures to a different directore.
eg: db for the XML and pics for the pictures.
Has anyone rewritten the scrips for OFDB, as they seemed to did some changes in the structure ??
For 1 & 2 it is planned to fix that in the future.
But for 2 you could put the catalog alone in a new folder, with its picture, it won't change much from having the pictures in a subfolder.
For OFDB there was an updated recently I think, it was updated on www.antp.be/temp/scripts (you can also get it using the "Update Scripts" script). If that version of the script still does not work, you'll have to wait that someone updates it.
But for 2 you could put the catalog alone in a new folder, with its picture, it won't change much from having the pictures in a subfolder.
For OFDB there was an updated recently I think, it was updated on www.antp.be/temp/scripts (you can also get it using the "Update Scripts" script). If that version of the script still does not work, you'll have to wait that someone updates it.
The actual OFDB-Script works, but today I've changed/fixed the way it imports the rating:
Edit: Updated again. Found a serious bug:
Download: http://home.arcor.de/aspg/files/OFDb-DE.rar
Greetings from Hamburg
Code: Select all
1.0.0 (3.3.2007) by yeti
- Fix/Chg: Ratingimport changed to 2 digits (rounded)
Rating 6.49 -> Old: 7 -> New: 6.5
- Chg: Removed old code
- Add: Version number 1.0.0 added for better distinction between versions
Code: Select all
1.0.1 (03/04/2007) by yeti
- Chg: Added stringUtils1-Lib and removed FindLine(), Code cleanup (not completed yet)
- Fix: If the actor-name in the details view is clickable to view the actors
profile, the name was not imported.
Greetings from Hamburg