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Post by kuno21 »


When exporting to xml, the existing pictures wont be overwritten. the will be saved with a complete new filename, Thats really anoying.


It would be usefull to save the Pictures to a different directore.

eg: db for the XML and pics for the pictures.


Has anyone rewritten the scrips for OFDB, as they seemed to did some changes in the structure ??
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Post by antp »

For 1 & 2 it is planned to fix that in the future.
But for 2 you could put the catalog alone in a new folder, with its picture, it won't change much from having the pictures in a subfolder.
For OFDB there was an updated recently I think, it was updated on www.antp.be/temp/scripts (you can also get it using the "Update Scripts" script). If that version of the script still does not work, you'll have to wait that someone updates it.
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Post by yeti »

The actual OFDB-Script works, but today I've changed/fixed the way it imports the rating:

Code: Select all

1.0.0 (3.3.2007) by yeti
- Fix/Chg: Ratingimport changed to 2 digits (rounded)
  Rating 6.49 -> Old: 7 -> New: 6.5
- Chg: Removed old code
- Add: Version number 1.0.0 added for better distinction between versions
Edit: Updated again. Found a serious bug:

Code: Select all

1.0.1 (03/04/2007) by yeti
- Chg: Added stringUtils1-Lib and removed FindLine(), Code cleanup (not completed yet)
- Fix: If the actor-name in the details view is clickable to view the actors
  profile, the name was not imported.
Download: http://home.arcor.de/aspg/files/OFDb-DE.rar

Greetings from Hamburg
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Post by antp »

Thanks, I'll update it on my server.
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