[REQ] Help me plz..Where is the error?

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[REQ] Help me plz..Where is the error?

Post by ABNormal »

i'm trying to add a field into a script, the RATING field.
The web page offer 4 kind of ratings:
mediocre (not good)
sufficente (so so)
buono (good)
ottimo (excellent)
and i want to translate in rating as 3-5-7-9 .

1) i created 2 variables:
cStartVal = '.gif" width="5" height="9" hspace=5></td><td class="fTestoBiancoLite">';
cEndVal = '</td></tr></tbody>';

that are text before and after rating

2) i declared 2 String Variables:
Valutaz, Var2

3) i wrote:
Valutaz := (getValue(cStartVal, cEndVal, true, true));
if (Valutaz='mediocre') then
val2 := '4';
if (Valutaz='sufficente') then
Val2 := '6';
if (Valutaz='buono') then
Val2 := '8';
if (Valutaz='ottimo') then
Val2 := '10';
SetField(fieldRating, Val2);

Script return an error:
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
and doesn't create rating

I'm blindly trying to learn this scripts, so plz.. where is the error?

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Post by antp »

:??: There error is not related with that code, it is caused by a GetPage, PostPage or GetPicture
Posts: 13
Joined: 2005-02-02 10:24:41
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Post by dinolib »

Antp is right (obviously! ;) ).
The problem is in the GetPage (before of the extract you post).
Maybe the address you generate is faulty and the web server cannot reply to you (for example you miss to add the file name, or it is null, and the server block you to access the directory listing).

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