i'm trying to add a field into a script, the RATING field.
The web page offer 4 kind of ratings:
mediocre (not good)
sufficente (so so)
buono (good)
ottimo (excellent)
and i want to translate in rating as 3-5-7-9 .
1) i created 2 variables:
cStartVal = '.gif" width="5" height="9" hspace=5></td><td class="fTestoBiancoLite">';
cEndVal = '</td></tr></tbody>';
that are text before and after rating
2) i declared 2 String Variables:
Valutaz, Var2
3) i wrote:
Valutaz := (getValue(cStartVal, cEndVal, true, true));
if (Valutaz='mediocre') then
val2 := '4';
if (Valutaz='sufficente') then
Val2 := '6';
if (Valutaz='buono') then
Val2 := '8';
if (Valutaz='ottimo') then
Val2 := '10';
SetField(fieldRating, Val2);
Script return an error:
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
and doesn't create rating
I'm blindly trying to learn this scripts, so plz.. where is the error?