Update data using given imdb url

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Update data using given imdb url

Post by Guest »

Is there a script that uses the imdb url for getting info from imdb site, so you have the right movie ?
Posts: 12
Joined: 2004-12-29 11:45:03

Post by joly »

Forgot to login :ha:

I found out that looking for original title: job solved my movie problem for that one, but i cant get it to find the Rookie (1990)

Thats why i wondered if there isnt any script that would just get the data from imdb with the url i provided, so instead of searching for the original name, it just goes to the url that was filled in at URL:
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Post by antp »

As I said, it is easy to modify (if there was one, I would simply have given it in the other topic :p) but I'll do that later.
I should rewrite parts of this IMDB script, so I will do this change at the same time.
I will do that before the end of the week.
Posts: 12
Joined: 2004-12-29 11:45:03

Post by joly »

thank you. I wanted to respond in the other thread, but it was allready closed.

Anyway, i love your program, so keep up the good work.

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