Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
I'm not sure if this has been covered but I could use some userdefinable fields. Kind of like the Media type field but where you could change the name of the field from "Media type" to "Seen".
In a future version I will add some fields, but until then if you really want to rename some fields you can edit the translation file that you are using (one of the .lng file of the Languages folder, do not forget to switch to English translation in Tools -> Preferences -> Languages if you were using "default" language)
You have to only replace what's after the "=" of a line, not when it appears before a "="
And you have to be sure to use the file you edited (as I said, in languages list use the language "english" instead of "default" if you edited english.lng)