imdb import

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imdb import

Post by goofer »

Could be I overlooked maybe another topic where same problem is expressed but can't find anything......just started using AMC and looks great but I get a problem when trying to import movie info with scripts of IMDB.

It tries to connect to an IP but he doesn't manage to get there.
Error: Socket error #10060, Connection timed out
I use AMC 3.4.0 and don't have a firewall or don't know whats holding it :cry:

If somebody can help me out then great :hihi:

Post by milyon »

if edonkey or any P2P software is running, maybe you reach the maximum connections windows can accept (if you are under win9x)
else try the new version of the script package :

Post by Guest »

nopes its not bout an maximum amount of connections holding me, also turned of the scans scriptblocker so that can't be the reason either
I replaced the scripts with your newer package but that doesn't help either, its weird :??:

Post by milyon »

type "socket error 10060" in Google
i hope you will find the answer there is a lot of replies
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Post by antp »

Last time that somebody had this error, it was a proxy problem.
Do you usually use a proxy ? What's your ISP ?

Post by milyon »

i stopped using proxies because in some cases it slows your connection
proxies can make your connections faster in most usual cases but i noticed that i can't reach some web sites using it.
So try to disable it, it may be fix your problem
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Post by antp »

Actually some ISP need to use a proxy
The case where a proxy was needed and when the program gave the Winsock error #10060 it was somebody that was using Telenet ( I think). Since you also use Telenet (I saw your IP address since I am admin :D), you should try to set as proxy server, and 8080 as port..

Post by goofer »

could be my ISP uses a proxy tho, I'm with telenet

Post by Guest »

lol ok just saw your reply :p

Post by goofer »

pompidom, its working now, tnx alot :hihi: now I can start filling rest of the list

greetz goofer
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