Could be I overlooked maybe another topic where same problem is expressed but can't find anything......just started using AMC and looks great but I get a problem when trying to import movie info with scripts of IMDB.
It tries to connect to an IP but he doesn't manage to get there.
Error: Socket error #10060, Connection timed out
I use AMC 3.4.0 and don't have a firewall or don't know whats holding it
if edonkey or any P2P software is running, maybe you reach the maximum connections windows can accept (if you are under win9x)
else try the new version of the script package :
nopes its not bout an maximum amount of connections holding me, also turned of the scans scriptblocker so that can't be the reason either
I replaced the scripts with your newer package but that doesn't help either, its weird
i stopped using proxies because in some cases it slows your connection
proxies can make your connections faster in most usual cases but i noticed that i can't reach some web sites using it.
So try to disable it, it may be fix your problem
Actually some ISP need to use a proxy
The case where a proxy was needed and when the program gave the Winsock error #10060 it was somebody that was using Telenet ( I think). Since you also use Telenet (I saw your IP address since I am admin ), you should try to set as proxy server, and 8080 as port..