New export options ?

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New export options ?

Post by rangoon »

Hi antp and evrybody,

I have a problem when exporting image file names :
the name are exactly as the movie title, including special caracters (é,à,è, ,-,&,...).

My question are :
- could it be possible to have filename "normalized" for exportation ?
- could it be possible to have movie title XML compliant for exportation (i.e. : & become & and so on).
- could it be possible to have a new icon "XML" as for "HTML", it would ease the export and allow not to manually fake XML via HTML ! :hihi:

Thanks ! ;)
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Post by antp »

well for XML there is the File -> Save As that will generate a valid file :p (well, it should do it)

I should make the export a little better, I will do not, but the only thing that is not sure yet is "when ?" :p

What I'd like to do would be an export that could be done with zipped templates.
For exemple, a template would be composed of :
- a PNG file containing a screenshot (so the user can select the export to do with a picture instead of a name)
- a text file with info, readme, etc.
- a config file that says to the program which file it has to fill, which files it has to copy, etc.
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