Need help to make 2 small changes

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Need help to make 2 small changes

Post by Zar0n »

Need help to make 2 small changes:
1-when i import information from IMDB(small pic) I want field “Original title” and “Comments” unchecked by default
2-when i get information from files and the type of audio is MPEG Layer 3 (MP3) I want it to fill the audio format field with just "MP3"


PS: It's possible to add the number of channels to audio format?
Ex: AC3 5ch
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Post by antp »


1 - In the script, put a "//" in front of the lines that contain "SetField(fieldOriginalTitle....)" and "SetField(fieldComments.....)"

2 - Edit the file codecs.ini (or something like that) in the folder of the program.

About the AC3 channels :
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