Jezeli macie jakies PL skrypty "dzialajace" np. Onet, WP, Filmweb, Stopklatka piszcie tutaj i wogole opisujcie co i jak
Czekam na wypowiedzi niech to bedzie nasz PL kacik
Czekam na wypowiedzi niech to bedzie nasz PL kacik
Please write in English. There is one topic in polish, but I prefer that there are no more than this one
Jzeli ktos posiada dobrze dzialajace polskie skrypty, to prosze, zeby mi je przeslal (stopklatka, film.onet.pl i inne)
Z gory dziekuje
Z gory dziekuje
- Posts: 15
- Joined: 2003-09-08 14:17:19
Jesli kogos interesuje dzialajacy skrypt do Filmweb (pobiera ocene, tytul, rezyser, producent, kraj, kategoria, rok produkcji, czas trwania, opis filmu, obsada), to zapraszam na priv. Przetestowalem go na ponad 300 filmach i tylko w trzech przypadkach nie pobral danych. Czasami sa problemy z pobraniem danych jesli otworzy sie dodatkowe okno i jest duzo filmow do wyboru.
Jesli ktos posiada w miare dzilajace skrypty do innych polskich stron, to licze na przeslanie ich do mnie. Z gory dzieki.
Jesli ktos posiada w miare dzilajace skrypty do innych polskich stron, to licze na przeslanie ich do mnie. Z gory dzieki.
Script for www.oceandvd.pl
I've just wrote script for www.oceandvd.pl (better pics than www.filmweb.pl and some tech info about movie).
If you interested, e-mail me: child@wp.pl
If you interested, e-mail me: child@wp.pl
If you want that I include your script in next update of AMC scripts, you can send it to me forum@antp.be
If you want that I include your script in next update of AMC scripts, you can send it to me forum@antp.be
New Script
Script for : stereo.pl
import everything (description , cover etc. (but not country and category))
test it and mail me if you find some errors.
import everything (description , cover etc. (but not country and category))
test it and mail me if you find some errors.
New, corrected FilmWeb.pl scripts (checked on over 100 movies).
- quotation changed (incorrect display with HTML export scripts
- new links support (nazwa.filmu.filmweb.pl)
both versions (with/without pictures):
Update 09/03/2004
That script aren't good for new look of FilmWeb.pl which is available from today .
I'll try to fix scripts as soon as possible.
- quotation changed (incorrect display with HTML export scripts
- new links support (nazwa.filmu.filmweb.pl)
both versions (with/without pictures):
Update 09/03/2004
That script aren't good for new look of FilmWeb.pl which is available from today .
I'll try to fix scripts as soon as possible.
Last edited by BestiaPL on 2004-03-09 20:20:35, edited 1 time in total.
New script for Filmweb.pl
I wrote (modfications old) script for new site design Filmweb.pl. I checked on over 200 movies and it's working
Here you can download this script:
http://klub.chip.pl/atomek2000/Filmweb_ ... krypt.html
Here you can download this script:
http://klub.chip.pl/atomek2000/Filmweb_ ... krypt.html
film.wp.pl scripts
I tried to wrote some script for film.wp.pl site. But I don't know how to ask about a film. They used POST (not GET) method, so I used PostPage instead of GetPage.
Request from web browser looks:
POST http://film.wp.pl/p/szukaj.html HTTP/1.0
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms-
excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, application/x-shockwav
e-flash, */*
Referer: http://film.wp.pl/p/szukaj.html
Accept-Language: pl
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; MyIE2)
Host: film.wp.pl
Content-Length: 40
Pragma: no-cache
Cookie: statid=[my IP].19903107445586668; RMID=503730d25a5ef49d
Request from AMC looks:
POST http://film.wp.pl:80/p/szukaj.html HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: */*
Content-Length: 40
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Host: film.wp.pl
Accept: text/html, */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ant Movie Catalog using Indy Library)
Authorization: Basic Og==
Proxy-Authorization: Basic Og==
but as response i get page with info: "Nie podano frazy do szukania..." (which mean something like: "No phrase for searching...").
Maybe someone has any ideas...? Maybe I need reacher PostPage method (where can I put "Content-Type" for example)?
Big thx in advance,
I tried to wrote some script for film.wp.pl site. But I don't know how to ask about a film. They used POST (not GET) method, so I used PostPage instead of GetPage.
Request from web browser looks:
POST http://film.wp.pl/p/szukaj.html HTTP/1.0
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms-
excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, application/x-shockwav
e-flash, */*
Referer: http://film.wp.pl/p/szukaj.html
Accept-Language: pl
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; MyIE2)
Host: film.wp.pl
Content-Length: 40
Pragma: no-cache
Cookie: statid=[my IP].19903107445586668; RMID=503730d25a5ef49d
Request from AMC looks:
POST http://film.wp.pl:80/p/szukaj.html HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: */*
Content-Length: 40
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Host: film.wp.pl
Accept: text/html, */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Ant Movie Catalog using Indy Library)
Authorization: Basic Og==
Proxy-Authorization: Basic Og==
but as response i get page with info: "Nie podano frazy do szukania..." (which mean something like: "No phrase for searching...").
Maybe someone has any ideas...? Maybe I need reacher PostPage method (where can I put "Content-Type" for example)?
Big thx in advance,
You can't make changes in what is send, but maybe I could make these changes for next version.
Here is a version I recompiled with the "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" parameter.
It is based on the current "under-development" 3.5 version. So be careful : if you save your catalog with this version it will not be readable by old version.
If it works better, I'll see if I add this as an option or as a parameter in the PostPage function.
Maybe it needs a Referer too...
Here is a version I recompiled with the "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" parameter.
It is based on the current "under-development" 3.5 version. So be careful : if you save your catalog with this version it will not be readable by old version.
If it works better, I'll see if I add this as an option or as a parameter in the PostPage function.
Maybe it needs a Referer too...