is it possible to rename JPGs to %datetimeoriginal% but in an customized format?
%datetimeoriginal% is "2017-08-18 18-29-55.jpg"
but i woud like to have 2017-08-18_18.29.55_Suffix.jpg
Thank you!
Customized datetimeoriginal for Exif possible?
Re: Customized datetimeoriginal for Exif possible?
Update: I made it now via a workaround.
1: Use the default format from the exif function
2: Make a replace via RegEx
and those as a batch, works fine.
1: Use the default format from the exif function
2: Make a replace via RegEx
and those as a batch, works fine.
Re: Customized datetimeoriginal for Exif possible?
Not possible in one action currently, but using regular expressions you can easily change the format in a second pass (after the exif renaming).
e.g. with this expression:
and this new name:
you should achieve what you want
(to be tested first
edit: you replied while I was replying, so we came at the same conclusion
The code here can still be useful if other people need it too
Not possible in one action currently, but using regular expressions you can easily change the format in a second pass (after the exif renaming).
e.g. with this expression:
Code: Select all
(.*)(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(.*)
Code: Select all
(to be tested first

edit: you replied while I was replying, so we came at the same conclusion