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Post by Guest »

*Guest* - Frau Holle wrote:Sure it's possible. I think with css its better than with js. But wait some days, first are some other things to do. :)
How long do you think it'll take?

My Movies:
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Joined: 2003-08-31 15:13:12

Post by Gregi »

1. Is it possible to fix first row (movie name, rating, year...) that when you scroll down you always see it?

2. How can you align text just in one column to the right (for example I would like that text column YEAR is aligned to right)?

3. How can I change font format in Filter window (ALL, CATEGORY, MEDIA,...)

4. I know that this part of code is used to import actors, how can I canged it, to import only the first six actors?

Code: Select all

<xsl:template name="commas_to_br">
		<xsl:param name="src" />
		<xsl:if test="contains($src, '|')">
			<xsl:value-of select="substring-before($src, '|')" />
			<br />
			<xsl:call-template name="commas_to_br">
				<xsl:with-param name="src" select="substring-after($src, '|')" />

5. How to upload this list to internet - where do I get index.html file?

Thnx for any answers!
Posts: 61
Joined: 2002-08-14 15:50:23

Post by Willspo »

1. It's possible but I can't figure out a smart way to do it. Frames would be the most obvious solution but I think it will make the code even harder to read.

2. I will upload a new version soon (later today if I remember). In his version columns.xml will work and with a new attribute align :)

3. You want only capital letters? or another font? Another font is easy just check out style.css in folder skins/default. All capitals is a little bit harder. I think there is a style tag supported by IE that gives small-caps. Can't remember the name though (check

4. That method is recursive so if you don't want to change it completely you have to declare a global count variable (actor_index?). Increase this variable every time you iterate thorugh the code belove and reset it in the clause that calls this code. Also you should check this var in:

Code: Select all

test="(contains($src, '|') && actor_index <= 6)"
5. Since everybody is asking I will add a little index.html as well. But it will require that the user downloads MSXML 4 (about 1 MB). This will be done automatically.

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Post by antp »

Willspo wrote:1. It's possible but I can't figure out a smart way to do it. Frames would be the most obvious solution but I think it will make the code even harder to read.
a <div> with a fixed position would be easy, but IE does not support it.
e.g. the menu on the right on this page :

Post by Guest »

Well... Seems like nobody is listening... So I'll try it again...
I am using willspo's script (great script !) but have one thing I want to add, but seems impossible for me...

Is it possible to add a button to the pop-up window, that'll print the contents of the pop-up window?! (Something in javascript)

I tried some things but it didn't work out...

Thanks in advance...
So, who knows the answer ... ?

Thanks and greetz

Post by Guest »

Anonymous wrote:Well... Seems like nobody is listening... So I'll try it again...
I am using willspo's script (great script !) but have one thing I want to add, but seems impossible for me...

Is it possible to add a button to the pop-up window, that'll print the contents of the pop-up window?! (Something in javascript)

I tried some things but it didn't work out...

Thanks in advance...
So, who knows the answer ... ?

Thanks and greetz
Is there really nobody having a clue about my question?
Posts: 61
Joined: 2002-08-14 15:50:23

Post by Willspo »

Why not window.print()

where window is the popup window.

Post by Guest »

Willspo wrote:Why not window.print()

where window is the popup window.
Hmm... thx.

I will try that one.


Post by Guest »

Anonymous wrote:
Willspo wrote:Why not window.print()

where window is the popup window.
Hmm... thx.

I will try that one.

I think that is the solution... Thx...

Post by Guest »

Thanks for all the solutions, but with more then 340 movies this script is indeed to heavy and generates a lot of traffic...

I decided to use another script, less functionality, but fine for me...

Posts: 1
Joined: 2004-04-24 10:56:07

getting better for some ?

Post by kasper »

i like the first script..the one with the black background and 800 x 600 resolution..that script is included in ant...but it has an script error :
ie script error
line 248
char 10
error the system can not find the file specifed
code 0
url= file://c:

after days of searching and getting more and more grey hair..please can someone help me out !!!!

the new improved script (movielist)from willspo is also very good but unussable with myhtpc...cause i'm use a 12.1 inche touchscreen and it impossible to scroll at the side with my fingers. But here the play button works with no script error.

Please can anyone repair the first script (see above) so the play button also works and i don't get an script error. Its the perfect script for me to use with myhtpc and my 12.1 inche touchscreen.

thanks in advance

Need Help Plz.

Post by Limmer »

Willspo great Templ :)

can you help me, change the "show by genre" to "show by year".

Post by Guest »

thx i fix my problem :)

now how i make fade in and fade out?

Post by TheRealDeal »

How can I lose the dropdown menu for catagory (genre) and the drop down under the search, so that the script searches all things like: director, year etc. in one time ??

tnx in advance :D

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Joined: 2004-08-30 09:50:43
Location: Liège, Belgium

Post by binoyt »

I think I found a solution to the problem of bigs lists.

We can't divise the list automaticately, but we can hide the complete movie list, and display the list only on clicking on the selected category on the left column.

I don't know for you, but for me, that will a great and faster solution.

But, how we can do it ? I think that is possible, but I don't know how do it.

Post by Guest »

I just found this.

If someone is interst by this soluce, there is the operation to do:

Find the line "<xsl:apply-templates select="movie[contains(./category, $selected_category) or $selected_category='All']" mode="normal_view">"

and delete the part " or $selected_category='All'".

Post by Guest »

Anonymous wrote:I just found this.

If someone is interst by this soluce, there is the operation to do:

Find the line "<xsl:apply-templates select="movie[contains(./category, $selected_category) or $selected_category='All']" mode="normal_view">"

and delete the part " or $selected_category='All'".
Where can I Find, that line cause I Can't find it ??


Post by Guest »

@willspo: thanks for this GREAT template/installer ... i really like it. added some own stuff like imdb links but getting an index.html out of this package (to put it on the web) definitely exceeds my skills.

since in an earlier post you wrote that you would be adding this feature some time, i was wondering if i missed that part where you might have published it!?

thanks a lot & keep up the good work :)
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