How long do you think it'll take?*Guest* - Frau Holle wrote:Sure it's possible. I think with css its better than with js. But wait some days, first are some other things to do.
My Movies:
How long do you think it'll take?*Guest* - Frau Holle wrote:Sure it's possible. I think with css its better than with js. But wait some days, first are some other things to do.
Code: Select all
<xsl:template name="commas_to_br">
<xsl:param name="src" />
<xsl:if test="contains($src, '|')">
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before($src, '|')" />
<br />
<xsl:call-template name="commas_to_br">
<xsl:with-param name="src" select="substring-after($src, '|')" />
Code: Select all
test="(contains($src, '|') && actor_index <= 6)"
a <div> with a fixed position would be easy, but IE does not support it.Willspo wrote:1. It's possible but I can't figure out a smart way to do it. Frames would be the most obvious solution but I think it will make the code even harder to read.
So, who knows the answer ... ?I am using willspo's script (great script !) but have one thing I want to add, but seems impossible for me...
Is it possible to add a button to the pop-up window, that'll print the contents of the pop-up window?! (Something in javascript)
I tried some things but it didn't work out...
Thanks in advance...
Is there really nobody having a clue about my question?Anonymous wrote:Well... Seems like nobody is listening... So I'll try it again...
So, who knows the answer ... ?I am using willspo's script (great script !) but have one thing I want to add, but seems impossible for me...
Is it possible to add a button to the pop-up window, that'll print the contents of the pop-up window?! (Something in javascript)
I tried some things but it didn't work out...
Thanks in advance...
Thanks and greetz
Hmm... thx.Willspo wrote:Why not window.print()
where window is the popup window.
I think that is the solution... Thx...Anonymous wrote:Hmm... thx.Willspo wrote:Why not window.print()
where window is the popup window.
I will try that one.
Where can I Find, that line cause I Can't find it ??Anonymous wrote:I just found this.
If someone is interst by this soluce, there is the operation to do:
Find the line "<xsl:apply-templates select="movie[contains(./category, $selected_category) or $selected_category='All']" mode="normal_view">"
and delete the part " or $selected_category='All'".