Report Designer getting started

If you need help on how to use the program
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Report Designer getting started

Post by emueyes »


Could someone please point me in the right direction to start with the Designer? I can't seem to link it to my AMC movies database, or to pick up any data fields. I hope once I get a start I'll be OK.


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Re: Report Designer getting started

Post by fulvio53s03 »

emueyes wrote:Hi,
Could someone please point me in the right direction to start with the Designer? I can't seem to link it to my AMC movies database, or to pick up any data fields. I hope once I get a start I'll be OK.
1) select some movie
2) from menu "File" select "print"
3) choose a template among those showed.
if there is no template you like, you can change one similar to your wishes and change it with "designer" on the menu.
It's almost simple to use designer, but there is no help about it (I think).
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Post by antp »

There are a few basic explanations in the Help file that comes with the program : click "Help" button in the print preview window, or "?"->"Tutorial" in the designer.
Posts: 11
Joined: 2017-05-21 02:34:03

Post by emueyes »

Ah I see now, thanks. This is very cool :)
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