Remove a standard field

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Remove a standard field

Post by MediaCult »

I was wondering if there is the option of removing one of the standard fields for now? At the moment, I have imported by info from IMDB, including the "comments" field, which are comments from random IMDB users (ones I often don't agree with). I don't want these to be part of my catalog. How do I remove this field? I have catalogued more than 2500+ movies so manually is not an option.
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Post by antp »

When importing from a script you can uncheck the fields that you don't want using the list on the bottom-right of the script window.
However your question is rather for movies already imported if I understand well.
This can easily be done by script: go to Tools -> Scripting, run "Update fields", in the list one of the option is for deleting contents of a field.
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