E-SWISS REDUX! a new theme for AMC 4.2


Redux version of the Elegant Swiss is simpler and faster - focused on the fanart view. This revision includes all of the old views, reworked and revised

Elegant Swiss (and Redux) was designed for use in HTML AMC-view (in 16:9 resolutions). For a better view, install the font ('WeblySleek UI Light') included on the folder 'font'.
W/ Cover (click to enlarge):E-Swiss REDUX features:
Custom Background: Your first custom background will appear in the layout;
Use the TMDb script custom compiled by boyerf to download custom backgrounds automatically.
Link: viewtopic.php?p=39895#39895
IMDb, Fanart and TMDb Icons: These icons on the top will lead you to this 3 awesome sites - according with the name of the movie (ideal for background, custom arts and more).
Don't want to use the script TMDB? Download in these two sites manually.
Actor images and stills: Will display 5 images actors and 6 stills (depending on the view selected). Click on the thumbnails to open the stills in a new window.
Script optimized for use in my themes (with Top 250 IMDb, Awards and more):
->Direct Download

->Direct Download
OLD VERSION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Preview (1. With 'Play Movie' button; 2. Default theme; 4. BD with Custom Logo and Disc Label; 3. DVD with Custom Logo and Disc Label):Version 1.2 (w/ Custom Background, Logo and Disc Label)
AMC 4.2 required for the extra fields: Actors, Backgrounds, Coverback, Photos du Film (Stills), Disc Label and Logo.
Custom Background: Your first background will appear in the layout;
Custom Cases: DVD, Blu-Ray an Blu-Ray 3D will be displayed in different cases - defined in "Item Type" field;
Stills: I use the script from Allociné for images of films ... so the stills will be placed in a category called "Photos du Film".
Can be changed to the definition of your favorite script.

Download 1.2 Version
Other themes...
Quick (overview) video of my themes:

Any feedback is welcome !! (and sorry for my awful english 2)