[New!] Elegant Swiss REDUX (New theme for AMC 4.2)

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[New!] Elegant Swiss REDUX (New theme for AMC 4.2)

Post by fagnerpc »

/ Presenting /
E-SWISS REDUX! a new theme for AMC 4.2
Image Image
Hi :grinking:
Redux version of the Elegant Swiss is simpler and faster - focused on the fanart view. This revision includes all of the old views, reworked and revised :D
Elegant Swiss (and Redux) was designed for use in HTML AMC-view (in 16:9 resolutions). For a better view, install the font ('WeblySleek UI Light') included on the folder 'font'.
E-Swiss REDUX features:
Custom Background: Your first custom background will appear in the layout;
Use the TMDb script custom compiled by boyerf to download custom backgrounds automatically.
Link: viewtopic.php?p=39895#39895
IMDb, Fanart and TMDb Icons: These icons on the top will lead you to this 3 awesome sites - according with the name of the movie (ideal for background, custom arts and more).
Don't want to use the script TMDB? Download in these two sites manually.
Actor images and stills: Will display 5 images actors and 6 stills (depending on the view selected). Click on the thumbnails to open the stills in a new window.

Script optimized for use in my themes (with Top 250 IMDb, Awards and more):

->Direct Download
W/ Cover (click to enlarge):
Image Image
->Direct Download

OLD VERSION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Version 1.2 (w/ Custom Background, Logo and Disc Label)
AMC 4.2 required for the extra fields: Actors, Backgrounds, Coverback, Photos du Film (Stills), Disc Label and Logo.
Custom Background: Your first background will appear in the layout;
Custom Cases: DVD, Blu-Ray an Blu-Ray 3D will be displayed in different cases - defined in "Item Type" field;
Stills: I use the script from Allociné for images of films ... so the stills will be placed in a category called "Photos du Film".
Can be changed to the definition of your favorite script.
Preview (1. With 'Play Movie' button; 2. Default theme; 4. BD with Custom Logo and Disc Label; 3. DVD with Custom Logo and Disc Label):
Image Image
Image Image
Download 1.2 Version

Other themes...
Quick (overview) video of my themes:

Any feedback is welcome !! (and sorry for my awful english 2)
Obrigado :D
Last edited by fagnerpc on 2015-08-16 02:55:48, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by spiderbat »

great skins :)
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Joined: 2009-02-03 09:51:38

Post by spiderbat »

ATTENTION le téléchargement de ce programe est dangereux,il contient le spyware OMNIBOX qui va prendre le controle de votre navigateur (chrome,firefox ou autre)...j'ai du télécharger ADWCLEANER pour nettoyer mon pc et réénisialisé chrome....vous voila prevenus
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Post by fagnerpc »

New HTML with the button to play your movie (wPlayB) - originally included on the Swiss template
spiderbat wrote:ATTENTION le téléchargement de ce programe est dangereux,il contient le spyware OMNIBOX qui va prendre le controle de votre navigateur (chrome,firefox ou autre)...j'ai du télécharger ADWCLEANER pour nettoyer mon pc et réénisialisé chrome....vous voila prevenus
I don't understand french, but you're telling me that this template has some kind of virus?
wow.... I tested in AVG, Avast, Adwcleaner and all the files are clean in all these programs
Last edited by fagnerpc on 2015-04-26 23:26:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by antp »

Maybe he picked the wrong link on the download pages? These sites are often quite confusing, with a lot of ads leading to adware programs (or worse).
I couldn't download it myself, maybe it is better than you send it to me by e-mail so I can put it on the forum's server and provide a clean & safe link ;)
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Post by fagnerpc »

antp wrote:Maybe he picked the wrong link on the download pages? These sites are often quite confusing, with a lot of ads leading to adware programs (or worse).
I couldn't download it myself, maybe it is better than you send it to me by e-mail so I can put it on the forum's server and provide a clean & safe link ;)
Ok, I see your point ... I'll send the theme to the support e-mail (site-contact@antp.be)
btw, thx for the amazing program ... without the AMC I could never cataloging my collection of movies :grinking:
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Post by antp »

Thanks, here is the link :
You can update the direct link in the first post then
Do not hesitate to send me updates by e-mail when needed
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Post by spiderbat »

non votre theme est parfait,le lien en revanche comporte de nombreux virus...maintenant plus de souci pour le télécharger....merci ;)
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Post by fagnerpc »

New updated Code - with custom disc label and logo
Available for download (with instructions) here:
https://forum.antp.be/users/fagnerpc/El ... %201.2.rar

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Post by spiderbat »

great :grinking: thank you
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Joined: 2015-04-23 05:07:08

Post by fagnerpc »

spiderbat wrote:great :grinking: thank you
Merci spiderbat :D
Dave Bel
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Post by Dave Bel »

Tout d'abord, merci pour les templates que tu nous partages, et j'avoue que je ne sais même pas lequel choisir....
Par contre ma grande déception est de ne pas pouvoir les utiliser correctement, car il manque toujours des infos, et ça fait 3/4 jours que j'essaye de comprendre comment faire pour les avoir.
J'avoue que je suis plus que nul pour modifier quoique ce soit, et je sais qu'il s'agit de rentré des info extra.
Pourrais tu faire une liste des extra et comment les nommer, comme un des membres qui nous a gentillement expliquer.

http://lapensinemutine.eklablog.com/ant ... -a94368555

Comme tu peut le voir, il nous a expliquer les extra à ajouter.

Je pense pas etre le seul a ne pas comprendre, et je pense que cela va pouvoir aider du monde.



First, thank you for the templates which you share us, and I admit that I do not even know who(which) to choose....
On the other hand my great disappointment is not to be able to use them correctly, because information is always missing, and that makes 3/4 days which I try to understand(include) how to have them.
I admit that I am more than anybody to modify although it is, and I know that it is a question of brought in of extra information.
Could you make a list of extra and how name(appoint) them, as one of the members who has us gentillement to explain.

Http: // lapensinemutine.eklablog.com/ant-movie-catalog-2-modele-d-affichage-html-a9436 8555

As you can see him(it), he(it) has we to explain extra(special) to add.

I think not of being the only one has not to understand(include), and I think that it is going to be able to help of the world.

Thank you.
Posts: 40
Joined: 2015-04-23 05:07:08

Post by fagnerpc »

New version: Redux - with a revamped code!
New or Fixed:
Working thumbnails; lighter code; new views and more...

Available on the first post:
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