[EN-FR]Some windows are void - Certaines fenetres sont vides

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[EN-FR]Some windows are void - Certaines fenetres sont vides

Post by tdm »


I freshly reinstall a new windows 7 x64 on a new computer and I have a problem with AMC.
Some windows are void : http://imgur.com/GR7BrxH,SJGb14d#0 (there are 2 images, use Prev and Next button).

I think it's a missing functionnality which is not installed, but which one ?

Thanks in advance



Je viens d'installer windows 7 x64 sur un nouvel ordi et j'ai un problème avec AMC.
Certaines fenetres du logiciels n'affichent rien : http://imgur.com/GR7BrxH,SJGb14d#0 (Il y a 2 images, utiliser Prev et Next).

Il doit y avoir un programme dont AMC se sert et que je n'ai pas installé, mais lequel ?

Merci d'avance
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Post by Raoul_Volfoni »


I guess you have already tried to uninstall and reinstall.
Which version did you install ?



Je suppose que tu as déjà tenté de désinstaller et réinstaller.
Quelle version as tu installé ?
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Post by antp »

It looks like an issue related to Windows theme or graphic driver.
The theme looks like something by default on Vista or 7 though.
I sometimes have similar problems with Delphi programs on Windows 8.1, but by passing the mouse over the window or move another window in front it forces the refresh in such case.
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Joined: 2013-10-12 08:04:41

Post by tdm »

Well, uninstall and reinstall is the first thing I usually do, but I wanted to reinstall all my programs and I thought "I'll see this problem later".

This morning even before seeing the response I thought about it, and yes, it worked, no problem anymore.

Thanks for your responses !


Vu que je voulais réinstaller tous mes programmes je me suis dis "je verrais ça plus tard" sans penser à désinstaller et réinstaller ce programme.

Et ce matin avant même de voir la réponse j'y ai pensé, et effectivement ça marche, plus de problème.

Merci pour vos réponses !
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