Template for dynamic web page view version 2.2

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Post by bonienl »

watcher wrote:I have a simple WB script which allow me to start video stream by using WM encoder 9 from command line. When stream is active , I can connect to it by typing mms://etc.. in WMP URL field. Is that posible somehow to make that process working automatically in your template. It might be looking as follow:
After mouse click on movie cover image, user have a choice to watch movie as a direct connect to file, or as a stream via WM encoder.
I am not a programmer, but I feel it should not be too complicated as my script has only 8-9 lines of code.
That addition will make your template BEST of the BEST.
Actually this is already possible. I use umedia streamer and enter something like: ums://films/movie.filename.avi in the URL field of the database.
When you give your exact command in this field then the following line in the layout file can associate it with a click on the image to start streaming.

Code: Select all

<img src="datapath+movie.getAttribute('Picture')" class="film" width="100" height="140" url="movie.getAttribute('URL')" target="" title="'Play '+movie.getAttribute('OriginalTitle')"/>
One remark though: in this setup you can not have spaces in the movie file name.
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Re: Auto forward email

Post by bonienl »

ajwconsult wrote:Hi m8...

I have been ask a few times now if it is possible for the person who has just selected there selection from the database to also receive a copy of the email that I initially would be receiving of requests...

Everyone has confirmed the database it working excellent now, just they would like a copy of the email requests for thier records.

Appreciate all the help and mods in the past.

The answer was already given to your question under the version 2.1 topic.

You need to modify the PHP file and have this line:

Code: Select all

$headers = "From: ".($sender?"$sender\r\nReply-To: $email":$email)."\r\nCc: $email\r\nX-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion();
The "Cc" part is added and provides a copy to the original sender.
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Re: Auto forward email

Post by ajwconsult »

Hi, sorry about that m8, did not have notify me on new post...

I have done the change to php and works perfect....

Thanks again for your excellent template.

What will you be working on next :-)


bonienl wrote:
ajwconsult wrote:Hi m8...

I have been ask a few times now if it is possible for the person who has just selected there selection from the database to also receive a copy of the email that I initially would be receiving of requests...

Everyone has confirmed the database it working excellent now, just they would like a copy of the email requests for thier records.

Appreciate all the help and mods in the past.

The answer was already given to your question under the version 2.1 topic.

You need to modify the PHP file and have this line:

Code: Select all

$headers = "From: ".($sender?"$sender\r\nReply-To: $email":$email)."\r\nCc: $email\r\nX-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion();
The "Cc" part is added and provides a copy to the original sender.
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Re: Auto forward email

Post by bonienl »

ajwconsult wrote:What will you be working on next :-)
I am afraid I have very little time to spend on the template at this moment. Unfortunately my "job" keeps me busy.
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Post by Josepelupi »

I create that account just to be able to thank you!

That template its everything im looking for :D
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Favorites bug

Post by corncutter »

Hey there,

this template is great but I figured out a bug:
when you've selected some favorites and click on the favorites tab they are shown correctly...
when you switch the layout, favorites aren't saved.

I'm using extended & thumbnail view only and I made the thumbnails clickable so you can hit the favorite checkbox there, too.

I don't use the favorites for email option but I thought it would be great for my friends being able to select all the favorites they want to watch and delete them from favs after having seen them.
So my questions are:
  • A) Is it possible to keep the favs remembered when switching the layout

    and furthermore

    B) Is it possible to save the favorites as a cookie so that they are still selected the next time you enter the page?
First I thought I messed something up when editing the layouts, 'cause I put the layout changing option directly to the header
(when only having 2 different layouts there's no need for a separate setting popup in my case)
But I tried it out on your example page and there the favs are gone after switching layout, too

I don't have any knowledge about how cookies work but since there are some cookies written anyway I thought it might be possible to solve it like that anyhow.

Hope you are still working on this great template and find some time to answer.

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Re: Favorites bug

Post by bonienl »


Saving the favorites between templates can be controlled by the "save=true" option in the box statement within the XML layout files.

Code: Select all

<box pin="movie.getAttribute('Number')" value="movie.getAttribute('OriginalTitle')" totals="true" save="true"/
You need to do this for all layout files which you plan to use.

With this option your favorites are stored as cookies. In other words revisiting the page from the same browser will keep your favorites selection as before.
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Post by corncutter »

Aaaaah wow.

so it wasn't a bug, I was just blind and didn't see that option :hihi:
thanks for the quick reply!!!
it works fine now.

another problem:

as I said, I made the thumbnails clickable.
Problem atm is: When switching layout back to extended view, the info popup (layover) is still there. And when removing the last favorite while in thumbnail view / favorites tab there is no clickable thumbnail in the background anymore so the popup won't disappear and you have to change the tab to all titles just to close it again by double-clicking another movie - or you have to switch to extended view to remove the last favorite to avoid the remaining popup.

Is it also that easy to solve, to close the popup another way than clicking the thumbnail or another thumbnail in the background again?
  • How can I add closing the popup by clicking on the second (synopsis) column for example
    (like the way, the extended view pops up the hidden row. so that you are still able to click the image on the left for URL and click the favorite box on the right)
additional question just for my understanding:
  • what's the difference between
    title total length & title list lifetime?
title total length will be the total duration, calculated by counting the length data, I guess. (In my case 10 weeks 4 days 12h 24m)
but title list lifetime is a bit longer (11 weeks). How is that calculated and what does it mean?
(Don't know how to translate title list lifetime to German as long as I don't have a clue what it means ^^)

and the search function sometimes is kind of strange. When searching for rocky for example it doesn't just show the rocky balboa movie (only one I have) but it also shows titles with words like rückkehr, reich, records, rauschen, ...
but I can live with that, just noticed it ;)
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Post by bonienl »

Hi corncutter,

Great to hear your first "problem" works, it was a feature indeed :)

Regarding the thumbnail view, it has its limitations and to do what you are asking means code changes. I'll have a look at that when time permits.

title list lifetime = date difference between oldest title and newest title in the selected list (usually "All films")

title total length = movie lenghts all added together for the selected list

The search function uses a 'soundex' function, this means it will find words that all sound similar. This is mainly done to overcome typo's. E.g. "Roger More" instead of "Roger Moore". This function is based on english words and not adapted to german, giving unexpected side results in your case. To minimize the effect you can do a search on a particular field only instead of the default "all fields" setting. For example: search "rocky" in "film titles".

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Post by carlosmg2 »


I love your template. I dunno how to code, but with the readme it works for my little database :)

But i hava a problem, i can only open it on IE.
(I have Windows 7)
- In IE it opens, asks something about activex, i accept and it loads nice.
- In firefox it loads the page but doesnt show the movies it says ''No matching titles found''
- In chrome it just stays loading movie database forever.

What am i doing wrong?
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Post by bonienl »


This usually happens because of "foreign" characters in the XML file.

Open your XML file directly in Firefox (ctrl-O) and look at the error messages. Replace the non-printable characters by a space.

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Post by carlosmg2 »

It was that, now it works on FF (can't try chrome till i get home)

lots of thanks!!!

Another little question:
How can i set default css black instead of cyan?
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Post by corncutter »


you can change the default css in movies.html:

Code: Select all

<link title="Cyan" rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/cyan.css">
<link title="Black" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/black.css">
(change alternate stylesheet <-> stylesheet)


is it possible (for me) to simply disable the soundex function anyhow?
(changing the function soundex(text) in movies.js so that just the words are listed as they are written?)
Then it's my visitors fault when misspelling a name or title ;) but when spelled correct it would only show the right results.

Guess all I need is a search function that is able to check for the words in the search field. of course NOT case sensitive and being able to only show the right combination of words. For example when searching for bruce willis in actors it should only show movies, bruce willis is playing in, not also bruce lee or whatever ^^.
(BTW: bruce willis works fine even with soundex activated. But "Will Smith" also shows me a will sanderson movie - who ever that is ^^) :D

I would try to comment it out and see if I can disable soundex by myself but I guess there are some more parts to edit maybe even in other files, not only the movies.js
Since you coded it maybe it's easier for you to tell me where I have to change something than just trial & error for me.

if you have the time of course...


(oh not to forget: thanks for the reply and explanation yesterday. now the title list lifetime makes sense and it's just a coincidence that the results are nearly the same in my case)
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Post by bonienl »

It is not complicated to disable the 'soundex' function. When you open in a text editor the javascript file movies.js scroll down to the search function. The beginning of this function looks like this:

Code: Select all

function search(){
 var text=header.getElementById('oFindText').value;
 if (!text) return;
 var select=[0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0];
In the "select" variable change all the '1' values to '0' values and you are done.

Explanation: these values represent the ANTP fields which should be searched using soundex (1) or regular search (0).
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Post by corncutter »

hey cool, that's easy :)

so the order of those numbers is the order of the "field" elements in locale.xml...
great. with that knowledge I can change it to '0' without any hesitation and activate it again if needed :)

thanks alot !!!!!

EDIT: yeah, tested it and now searching works as expected. Will Smith-movies only and also only 'Rocky Balboa' and 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' when searching for 'rocky'. great. maybe in English it's not that strange but for a German setup this is way better ^^
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Post by bonienl »

corncutter wrote:another problem:

as I said, I made the thumbnails clickable.
Problem atm is: When switching layout back to extended view, the info popup (layover) is still there. And when removing the last favorite while in thumbnail view / favorites tab there is no clickable thumbnail in the background anymore so the popup won't disappear and you have to change the tab to all titles just to close it again by double-clicking another movie - or you have to switch to extended view to remove the last favorite to avoid the remaining popup.

Is it also that easy to solve, to close the popup another way than clicking the thumbnail or another thumbnail in the background again?
  • How can I add closing the popup by clicking on the second (synopsis) column for example
I addressed the limitations of the thumbnail view and control of the popup window is better now. These are the improvements:
  • 1. Once popup window is opened it can be closed by clicking on it. If you have attached an URL to an image or have included a favourite box, these are processed fisrt before closing.

    2. Popup window will be closed before moving to next/previous page or when changing layout view

    3. In favourite list it is possible to remove items and associated popup window is closed each time. This includes removing the last item.
These modifications are part of a new version 'v2.3' that I am working on. It is not officially released yet but I make a test version available here (contains the updated movies.js file only).

Besides the above improvements v2.3 has so far the following additions:
  • - Keep a single mail popup window - no longer multiple instances of mail popup window

    - Alternate flags for audio track display (new images not available in this download)

    - Send mail can be called directly from main page as long as favourites are present
Have a look and let me know your experiences!

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Post by corncutter »

coming back from vacation to find out that you already worked on my problem. NICE

downloaded the new movies.js and it works perfectly in all those cases you named.
only thing I noticed is that the favorites aren't updated in thumbnail view immediately. they are stored and when sorting new (another category or whatever) it is checked. but while in the same view after adding a movie as favorite the field isn't set as "checked" when opening the same popup again. But that's not a problem, just wanted to mention it.

thank you very much
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Post by Greenbullet »


Je viens d'essayer ce template, mais j'utilise AMC et non le mod Movie cat b6, ce qui ne me permet pas de remplir les champs csa, saga, etc ...

J'ai tenté de téléchargé ce mod mais le lien est mort sur le site http://www.tikonderoga.com.

Si quelqu'un passe par là et peut me m'aider, ce serait vraiment sympa :)


Je ne parles pas anglais alors je vais faire très court dans cette langue xD

I want to download Movie cat, but I dont find this mod. Have you a link ?
Thank you and sorry for my english
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Pour la version française

Post by Dedej »

Récupération ici dans Template http://joel.desseaux.free.fr/. Page demo ici.
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Post by im2020 »

Love the template. How can I change the colour of the word "Synopsis"?

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