new version of Pocket AMC Reader is now available.
This application will allow you to read catalogs created by Ant Movie Catalog on your Pocket PC. It will read XML catalog and import it into it's own database which is done for performance reasons. On each start the application will check size of XML file and when it changes, database is updated. Depending on size of your catalog, it might take up to 1 minute to import all movies and subsequently up to 15 seconds to start up.
What's new:
29.4.10 Version 0.31
- - FIXED "Images" renamed to "Pictures" to be consistent with AMC
- ADDED Program will start even if XML is not present using cached data
- ADDED Simple finger scrolling in details form. Finger scrolling in movie list is not available at the moment.
- ADDED All settings can be now changed from within the application
- - Windows Mobile 6.x
- .NET Compact Framework 3.5
- WVGA display (but should work on VGA as well)
- AMC database saved as XML
- Images saved with relative links (not necessary, but otherwise you won't see images)
- Application will take approximately as much disk space as is the size of XML file
Cab installer is not available at the moment, so you will have to configure it manually. The application will not write anything to registry.
- 1. Connect your phone to PC in Active Sync mode
2. Copy your catalog in XML format and pictures anywhere you like (I
recommend Storage Card)
3. Download ZIP file and unpack it to your hard drive
4. Copy whole folder "Pocket AMC Reader" to phone to \Program Files\
5. Optionally create shortcut to start menu
6. Run application
7. Go to Settings and select your XML catalog
8. Save, restart the application and enjoy
Just overwrite files on your phone. If you wish to keep the database, don't overwrite "Pocket AMC Reader.db3"
Path to XML catalog
Auto Search:
checked = When typing in search input, movies are filtered on the fly.
unchecked = You have to click on "Go" to filter movies.
Auto Search Delay (milliseconds):
If Auto Search is on, search is delayed by this amount of milliseconds allowing you to type words without having to wait for search results on each letter typed.
Remember Tab in Details:
checked = If viewing next movie details, last used tab is remembered.
unchecked = If viewing next movie details, always first tab is selected.
Decimal Ratings:
checked = Ratings are displayed with decimal, e.g. 5.4 .
unchecked = Ratings are integers, e.g. 5 .
Multiple Covers:
checked = Program can loop via multiple covers for one movie. If you have defined in XML image "Movie.jpg", programs scans for images "Movie_B.jpg", "Movie_C.jpg" etc. and displays them. This is workaround until AMC will support multiple pictures and for now is probably useful only for me.
unchecked = Only picture defined in XML is displayed.
Known bugs:
- - Since Windows Mobile doesn't support XML encoding iso-8859-1, I had to use different one and that means import will break some non English characters
- Text in fields can be truncated due to bug in AutoResize class. Will look into that later.

Current version: ...