Version 3.5.0

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Version 3.5.0

Post by antp »

After a long time (one year after version 3.4.3 which was only a minor version, and much longer after last real new version) the version 3.5 is ready.
Lots of people already tested it with the large amount of beta & RC versions that I released, but now I recommend to everybody to update to this version since it is probably more stable than version 3.4.3 was.
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Post by antp »

Update to include lots of new/updated scripts, some translation updates, and the following bugs corrected:
- when selecting several movies by holding Ctrl, it should not jump to previously selected movie
- imported file info (F7) should always be saved
- fullsize picture window (when clicking small picture) should be correctly adjusted to fit the screen when it is too large
- "Stop" button of scripting window was not enabled until the script was paused on a breakpoint, so it was not possible to stop the exection without setting a breakpoint (annoying when there is an infinite loop)
- images export: now it exports only selection if asked
- if picture contents is not recognized, uses extension (useful for some pictures made by ACDSee that were working in v3.4 but not in 3.5)
- few corrections made in scripts window: when a script was not in the same folder than the other script its properties and options were not working correctly. Maybe I added new bugs by correcting that, so do not hesitate to notify me if you see something strange there.
- bug with number of new movies when using first available number
- Error when selecting a printing template after a selection of "fred.frf"

At the same time, I added an option to show picture info in the fullsize picture window. The option is located in Tools -> Prefs -> Movie info -> "Show picture size etc.". It is disabled by default. It was a new feature of AMC 3.5 but lots of people found that "ugly" :hihi: (they're right, it was not really beautiful)
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Post by antp »

Update to include some scripts updates (IMDB, Allociné and few others), a Macedonian translation, and the version 0.6 of MediaInfo.
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Post by antp »

Again an update for the scripts
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Post by antp »

And again, an update for the scripts :D
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Post by antp »

Update of the install for the large amount of scripts that were updated.
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Post by antp »

and again...
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Post by antp »

and again (I should have done this before, due to the IMDB site change)
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Post by antp »

Script update, as IMDB, Allociné and few others were outdated. Time also to include a much improved version of "update scripts" script.
Galician and cyrillic Serbian translations were also added.
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