Sorting films with russian titles

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Sorting films with russian titles

Post by AntA »


I found that sorting for Russian films works rather odd. I have an english windowsXP with the russian as a default language for non-unicode programs. I tried to change the default language with AppLocale but got no success.
Have a look at this picture. The list is sorted by Title, but f.e. titles 109, 82, 129, 30, 40, 61 are in a mess with other titles although they have the same first letter. You can notice the same problem with titles 47, 94, 163, 2, 168 and so on.
Is it mine or common problem? How can it be fixed?


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Post by bad4u »

This problem has been mentioned by some users before.

Maybe viewtopic.php?t=225 or viewtopic.php?t=980 give a solution for your problem. Seems this is a problem of your local Windows settings. If it doesn't work for you, you could try Forum's search function with "russian" or "russian sorting" as keywords.
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Post by antp »

I use Windows ANSI functions for sorting, so it completely depends on Windows regional settings. I think that it works fine in most of the cases, so as Bad4u said it is probably related to your settings.
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