Missing Fields suggestions...

Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
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Post by antp »

In latest version these checkboxes are visible by default I think, but if you started to use AMC before version 3.5 they are off by default.
Posts: 20
Joined: 2006-06-07 21:13:01

Post by spacekris »

antp wrote:.. some people would prefer to have only few fields in one view rather than lots of fields splitted on tabs/pages. ...
yep :up:
Posts: 8
Joined: 2006-09-29 19:13:40

Post by mumpel »

8. That's a bigger problem, which I'd like to solve. I do not know yet how I'll handle that. Adding episodes like separate movies and group them later is maybe not the best idea. I would have to change the current internal "flat list" structure to a tree structure.
Maybe you can use an altered version of your group-function?

Anyway, I request a alternative title field. For example I'm collecting Japanese movies. The original title is the Japanese title. The translated title is the German title of the DVD, and I need another field for adding the titles on which the movie has been also released. I need this, because I just bought several movies twice, because they have been released under a different title :-( So long, I'm using "aka" in the translated title field.

Second, I request the possibility to add several pictures - more than one. Maybe even in categories like "Movie posters", "DVD covers", "Screenshots" (maybe with a tab).

And finally, I request to possibility to show and hide columns in the table and in the detail view.

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