I was wondering if there is a template available (html), which makes it possible to click on NEXT / PREV and it loads the next movie, and on the left side it has the complete list.
Or is it possible to change my current html code so it adds the NEXT / PREV button ?
I'll ask around then if someone is capable of making that
I have also a question about exporting to html.
Is there some sort of command to replace text in fields ?
When i export my list, it outputs it like this:
Julie Andrews (as Maria)
Christopher Plummer (as Captain Georg von Trapp)
Is there a way so it removes the "as " so i would get this:
Julie Andrews (Maria)
Christopher Plummer (Captain Georg von Trapp)
Last edited by Teebee on 2005-09-10 15:39:19, edited 2 times in total.
And also a question about importing csv files:
Is there a way so it uses the first row as an indicator which column has to be used for a available field, so that way when you load an csv, the fields are allready in place?
Otherwise i will have to export my list to excel, replace those "(as " and import it again. I allready modified the script so next time it isnt included when grabbing the info.