Sorting of Unicode titles

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Sorting of Unicode titles

Post by Guest »

It may be a question actually, but anyways - I see that sorting of the sorting of the international titles leads to some stange order. I have many Russian titles in the database which I enter in Russian/Cyrillic (naturally ;) ) In the title list it all gets messed-up, with the russian titles getting interspersed with the english titles (but the english titles seem to be in order.) How is the sorting of the intenational titles done in AMC?
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Post by antp »

Unicode is not supported at all actually.
It only uses "ANSI" functions. The sorting is done using Windows' functions to compare text strings. So this depends of your locale settings. I do not know how Cyrillic should be sorted, but if the sort is wrong maybe it's something in your Windows settings that causes that :??:

Post by Guest »

OK, thanks for reply. I'm not an expert in Windows programming, but many other applications that I have installed work correctly with the international texts.
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Post by antp »

Maybe they're unicode actually :D
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