bug saving .amc file

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bug saving .amc file

Post by peque »

I've got an error today trying to save the album:

"Stream write error".

When I've tried to reopen it, I had only 140 out of 372 fils that I had before... so database corrupted... :(

Sorry... I can't give more details... as I didn't do anything special... I've been updating all my film info using Culturalia Script... I was saving regularly with no problem... but when I was goint to finish... :(

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Post by ScorEpioN »

and if you open the backup ? catalog.bak -> catalog.amc ??

Post by Guest »

backup file has been corrupted aswell. :(
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Post by antp »

A "write" error?
That's quite unusual that it could not write the file to disk. Is your disk full?

Post by PeQuE »

8,6 Gb free... :(
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Serious bug with Auto Open Catalog at startup

Post by ClaytonAguiar »


sorry for the cross posts. I don't know where exactly this text should be placed. But it has potential to great headaches.


I trying the following at the "auto open catalog file":

The program indeed opened the catalog at my USB stick - as I don't know the drive letter, I can't use absolute paths. But...

When I used Movie -> Get Information -> From File, ANT changed the "current directory" internal information to the folder where the AVI's were stored (in my case, the DVD-R drive).

When I clicked "Save", it warned me that couldn't save the catalog to the DVD-R disc (read-only media).

Get a worse scenario: If these movie files were on a writeable disk (HD, for example), clicking "save catalog" after each "Get information" would put a version of the catalog file of each folder where I placed a video.

Solution: At startup, if this attribute is set, check whether it is a relative or absolute path. If relative, expand it internally. But don't save it to the preferences, or you'll lose the portability (as a USB stick will be assigned a drive letter for each PC you plug it).
Perhaps the "Change current directory" behaviour is triggered by the dialog box used to select the movie files. As far as I remember, Open and Save "Common Dialogs" have an attribute to set this very behaviour.

The text below is a paste from the TOpenDialog.Options attribute of the Delphi encapsulation of the Windows Common Dialogs API.

ofNoChangeDir - After the user clicks OK, resets the current directory to whatever it was before the file-selection dialog opened.

The default value is False (it DOES change the current dir).


My first contribution for this really useful software.
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Post by antp »

The problem is not really related to the dialog, as in other places of the program the current directory is changed.
There must be a bug when I get the parameter from the config file, I should expand the file name at that time, as it is probably kept as relative path (there is no reason to keep a relative path internally, since the program location won't change while running...)
I'll check that and try to fix it quickly in 3.5.1 beta.
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Post by bad4u »

antp wrote:I'll check that and try to fix it quickly in 3.5.1 beta.
Is this problem fixed yet ? Before I spend more time to adapt AMC to PortableApps format I'll wait for a bugfixed version (or maybe next stable version) ;)
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Post by antp »

I forgot to mention it. Yes, I have made a change. I am not sure that it is fixed as I haven't tested that, but it should be.
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Post by bad4u »

Just did a short test with rc2 and it seems to save files with relative paths correct now - thanks !
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