When I've tried to reopen it, I had only 140 out of 372 fils that I had before... so database corrupted...
Sorry... I can't give more details... as I didn't do anything special... I've been updating all my film info using Culturalia Script... I was saving regularly with no problem... but when I was goint to finish...
sorry for the cross posts. I don't know where exactly this text should be placed. But it has potential to great headaches.
I trying the following at the "auto open catalog file":
The program indeed opened the catalog at my USB stick - as I don't know the drive letter, I can't use absolute paths. But...
When I used Movie -> Get Information -> From File, ANT changed the "current directory" internal information to the folder where the AVI's were stored (in my case, the DVD-R drive).
When I clicked "Save", it warned me that couldn't save the catalog to the DVD-R disc (read-only media).
Get a worse scenario: If these movie files were on a writeable disk (HD, for example), clicking "save catalog" after each "Get information" would put a version of the catalog file of each folder where I placed a video.
Solution: At startup, if this attribute is set, check whether it is a relative or absolute path. If relative, expand it internally. But don't save it to the preferences, or you'll lose the portability (as a USB stick will be assigned a drive letter for each PC you plug it).
Perhaps the "Change current directory" behaviour is triggered by the dialog box used to select the movie files. As far as I remember, Open and Save "Common Dialogs" have an attribute to set this very behaviour.
The text below is a paste from the TOpenDialog.Options attribute of the Delphi encapsulation of the Windows Common Dialogs API.
ofNoChangeDir - After the user clicks OK, resets the current directory to whatever it was before the file-selection dialog opened.
The default value is False (it DOES change the current dir).
My first contribution for this really useful software.
The problem is not really related to the dialog, as in other places of the program the current directory is changed.
There must be a bug when I get the parameter from the config file, I should expand the file name at that time, as it is probably kept as relative path (there is no reason to keep a relative path internally, since the program location won't change while running...)
I'll check that and try to fix it quickly in 3.5.1 beta.
antp wrote:I'll check that and try to fix it quickly in 3.5.1 beta.
Is this problem fixed yet ? Before I spend more time to adapt AMC to PortableApps format I'll wait for a bugfixed version (or maybe next stable version)