Search found 11 matches

by emueyes
2017-06-16 00:58:44
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Create new field
Replies: 4
Views: 1972

That worked, thanks.
by emueyes
2017-06-15 13:37:09
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Create new field
Replies: 4
Views: 1972

OK, so I'm looking at it the other way now., in the multi page report output, I'm trying to take the field $$ITEM_URL and make it an actual HTML link in the report output. I've done my best to quote things, but am ending up with what looks like something local to the script ie '<a href="'$$ITEM...
by emueyes
2017-06-13 11:55:47
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Create new field
Replies: 4
Views: 1972

Create new field

Hi I'm new to scripting and need a bit of a push. I use the IMDB script for pulling metadata and would like to modify it slightly. In brief I want to create and populate a new field. I have noticed that the IMDB trailers can be found at where ttnnnnnnn is the IMD...
by emueyes
2017-06-13 06:16:04
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Comments
Topic: Trailer
Replies: 1
Views: 3106


Hi I have been looking through the scripts trying to find one that will get the trailer for a movie but can't find one. IMDB seems to have trailers and it might be that is the best way to do it, I use the IMDB script for movies so it'd be a good fit to get the trailer at the same time. I've not yet ...
by emueyes
2017-06-04 10:18:19
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Comments
Topic: AMC kudos
Replies: 1
Views: 3079

AMC kudos

Just a comment: this really is one of the coolest and most useful programmes I've ever used. It's well thought out and covers a lot of different application requirements; it does that bit extra, too, for example SQL and XML output. And it has a great support forum. :clapping: Thanks to the author. M...
by emueyes
2017-06-04 01:29:38
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Report Designer getting started
Replies: 3
Views: 1553

Ah I see now, thanks. This is very cool :)
by emueyes
2017-06-03 11:17:13
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Report Designer getting started
Replies: 3
Views: 1553

Report Designer getting started


Could someone please point me in the right direction to start with the Designer? I can't seem to link it to my AMC movies database, or to pick up any data fields. I hope once I get a start I'll be OK.


by emueyes
2017-05-21 12:31:52
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Create entries for all movies in a subdirectory
Replies: 8
Views: 2618

Ah, I see what I was doing with the tags now, all good. Thanks again.
by emueyes
2017-05-21 12:03:11
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Create entries for all movies in a subdirectory
Replies: 8
Views: 2618

Thanks antp, that works great, it's exactly what I wanted. One more small question, I get two HTML files output, one with a '_1' extension. That one doesn't seem to use newlines or other formatting, and has very little formatting at all compared to the other report of the same template and data, tha...
by emueyes
2017-05-21 10:15:57
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Create entries for all movies in a subdirectory
Replies: 8
Views: 2618

Thanks very much, that works perfectly. One more thing would tailor make this for my intended use, being able to export individual XML files for each movie. I could just go ahead and open each file, export from it and drop it I guess. Once again though, thanks :) this looks like a nice piece of soft...
by emueyes
2017-05-21 02:42:08
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Create entries for all movies in a subdirectory
Replies: 8
Views: 2618

Create entries for all movies in a subdirectory

I have tried to find this pretty fundamental procedure's directions but can't seem to find anything. I have a lot of movie files (100's) and don't want to have to enter any details by hand. I can either arrange them with one movie file per directory, or all in one big directory. In either case the f...