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by al0203
2020-05-28 18:47:20
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Script to Renumber Movies
Replies: 2
Views: 580

Re: Script to Renumber Movies

fulvio53s03 wrote: 2020-05-28 18:39:24 In main menu,
Tools -> Renumber.
I don't know any function inside scripts.
That's what I ment manually and that's what I want to avoid.

Thank you.
by al0203
2020-05-28 17:08:59
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Script to Renumber Movies
Replies: 2
Views: 580

Script to Renumber Movies

Hi, I don't find the function to renumber movies inside an script. There are some scripts that need the movies to be order in an specific way, before you run it. I would need a function to renumber the movies, so when I run those scripts, the first line of the script would order the movies in the co...
by al0203
2020-05-27 12:04:30
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [REL] Rename file Names
Replies: 16
Views: 5124


You forgot to change the input box title "Find Duplicates" :D After using the .bat script, the file names stored in the catalog won't match the actual names. So I wonder if there is so much use of such script in the end? I remember having previously posted on the forum a script doing the ...
by al0203
2020-04-21 17:17:06
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Script Filmaffinity 3.08 no sale el año
Replies: 9
Views: 836

Re: Script Filmaffinity 3.08 no sale el año

Genial, a mi me funciona.

by al0203
2016-06-08 02:51:17
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: FilmAffinity 2.95
Replies: 13
Views: 5909

Re: FilmAffinity 2.92

A mi me funciona todo bien, menos la opción de ordenar por año. No me aparece en Opciones de script. Gracias.
by al0203
2016-05-26 02:21:58
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Filmaffinity 2.88
Replies: 11
Views: 5005

He hecho unos retoques para corregir estos errores. Estas son las líneas que he modificado: Writer: Línea 329 Composer: Línea 340 Photography: Línea 351 He cambiado: Item := TextBetween(Line, '<dd>', '</dd>'); Por: Item := TextBetween(Line, '<span>', '</span>'); Para los actores en una línea, he de...
by al0203
2016-05-24 01:43:56
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Filmaffinity 2.88
Replies: 11
Views: 5005

Yo he hecho este apaño hasta que llegue la 2.89 program FilmAffinity; const BaseURL = ''; var MovieName, MovieYear: string; // ********************* AÑADIDO MovieURL: string; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Li...
by al0203
2016-05-17 01:57:04
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Filmaffinity 2.88
Replies: 11
Views: 5005

Han debido de cambiar el diseño de la página. Ahora cuando haces una búsqueda no te da el año correspondiente a cada título, con lo cual si hay mas de un resultado, resulta imposible saber cual es el correcto.
by al0203
2015-01-13 18:52:23
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: FieldPicture
Replies: 3
Views: 2057

antp wrote:The picture field is managed differently from the others.
There are functions dedicated to it. Search for "picture" in the Help, on the "Technical info" -> "Script files creation" page.
So, how can I copy the picture to another file?
by al0203
2015-01-13 00:29:34
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: FieldPicture
Replies: 3
Views: 2057


I'm trying to copy the picture but I'm not able to find the name of the field and the fieldPicture return me an error. Which is the correct name for the field and which is it type ?
by al0203
2014-11-13 22:58:16
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Get information from a https web
Replies: 1
Views: 2416

Get information from a https web

I'm trying to get information from a https web and it returns me the error "IOHandler value not valid". I understand that the problem is that the codification of a https web is different than a http web.

Someone can tell me what do I need to change in the script.

Thank you.
by al0203
2014-10-10 00:34:42
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: uses StringUtils1
Replies: 1
Views: 1761

uses StringUtils1

Where can I find all the functions and how to use it of the StringUtils1. In the normal help doesn't appear and I'm not able to know how can I get the length of a string or getting the last 5 characters of a string. You know, get text from a point counting backwards. If in the name of a movie haves ...
by al0203
2014-10-05 00:13:29
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Multy Filtre script
Replies: 2
Views: 1934

Multy Filtre script

Does somebody has an script to filter the movies with more than one option. I'm thinking in write something but if somebody has already something it will help me.
I would like to make something with a menu where you can choose the conditions that the movie must meet to be checked.
by al0203
2014-09-30 23:57:30
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Customize a HTML presentation
Replies: 2
Views: 1867

Raoul_Volfoni wrote:Hi,

The answer already exists in the forum :
Ant Movie Catalog Custom Field
Thank you
by al0203
2014-09-30 22:53:19
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Customize a HTML presentation
Replies: 2
Views: 1867

Customize a HTML presentation

I'm trying to customize my own html presentation, but I don't know how to saw the value of a custom field. When you use a normal field, I found that I have to put (for the field country) <td class="wh">$$ITEM_COUNTRY</td>, but I don't how to do it for a custom field call Ponderado.
by al0203
2014-09-08 10:13:38
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Aspect ratio
Replies: 5
Views: 3111

antp wrote:Power(5, 3)
Like in Pascal/Delphi. Not all functions are documented, when they are basic Pascal functions.
I already tried power (5,3) and it gives me error "unknown identifier: POWER in line 17". I wrote

ponde:= power(5,3);

and ponde is a real variable.
by al0203
2014-09-08 08:03:19
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Aspect ratio
Replies: 5
Views: 3111

Hi, Such field can be filled by script : program NewScript; uses StringUtils1; var s : string; w, h: Integer; begin s := GetField(fieldResolution); w := StrToInt(TextBefore(s, 'x', ''), 1); h := StrToInt(TextAfter(s, 'x'), 1); SetCustomField('Ratio', FloatToStr( w / h)); end. assuming here that the...
by al0203
2014-09-07 04:23:03
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Aspect ratio
Replies: 5
Views: 3111

Aspect ratio

I would like to make a custom field with the aspect ratio of the movies, Frame width/Frame height. AMC gives you the resolution but I don't know the functions to get the width and the height separately. Some movies has a very bad ratio and I would like to know it, to be able to correct it. This is n...
by al0203
2014-07-23 04:11:02
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: FilmAffinity (ES): version 2.82.Compatible con Ant Movie 4.2
Replies: 86
Views: 35458

Hola Arturo, el cambio que hice lo había probado con mas de 100 pelis suecas, noruegas, francesas con caracteres raros en el nombre de los actores y funcionaba bien. He probado tus cambios y también funcionan bien, tu solución es mas correcta, le vuelvo a enviar el script definitivo con tus cambios...
by al0203
2014-07-20 00:57:40
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: FilmAffinity (ES): version 2.82.Compatible con Ant Movie 4.2
Replies: 86
Views: 35458

Efectivamente han cambiado la codificación de la pagina de ISO a utf8. Me ha pillado de vacaciones. Solo he tenido un ratito para modificarlo. Creo que funciona pero no he podido hacer pruebas. Dejo pues la versión 2.77 en el primer post. Probadlo y ya direis. y si está bien que antp lo suba. Cuand...