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by hausl78
2020-07-06 07:35:11
Forum: Ant Renamer > Help
Topic: Customized datetimeoriginal for Exif possible?
Replies: 2
Views: 1055

Re: Customized datetimeoriginal for Exif possible?

Update: I made it now via a workaround.

1: Use the default format from the exif function
2: Make a replace via RegEx

and those as a batch, works fine.
by hausl78
2020-07-06 07:03:53
Forum: Ant Renamer > Help
Topic: Customized datetimeoriginal for Exif possible?
Replies: 2
Views: 1055

Customized datetimeoriginal for Exif possible?


is it possible to rename JPGs to %datetimeoriginal% but in an customized format?

%datetimeoriginal% is "2017-08-18 18-29-55.jpg"

but i woud like to have 2017-08-18_18.29.55_Suffix.jpg

Thank you!