a tvtome script for all episodes (one series) at once

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a tvtome script for all episodes (one series) at once

Post by cortexwave »


is it possible to (and could someone) write a script fot tvtome which at once imports a whole series? if i is possible it would be great if someone could make such a script .....

thank you very much ... and i hope that it is possible.

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Post by antp »

For the moment the scripting engine cannot add movies in the list. So even if somebody makes a script for that you will first have to create an empty list of movies, with at least the number of the episodes (or something else to identify them).
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Joined: 2003-09-08 14:17:19

Post by cortexwave »

hi antp,

will it be possible in the future?


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Post by antp »

Sure, I have to add a script mode where the script can jump itself to the next movie, or add movies.
It would be quite easy, so it will probably be done in 4.0 ;)
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Joined: 2003-09-08 14:17:19

Post by cortexwave »

cool thank you

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