Version 3.4.0 'Beta'

What's new in Ant Movie Catalog, beta versions, etc...
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Version 3.4.0 'Beta'

Post by antp »

I released a beta version of Ant Movie Catalog 3.4
There are not lots of feature, but important features :) :
- Printing
- Saves order and sizes of columns in "Grid" mode

You can get it from there:

I recommend to put these files in a new folder (other than the version 3.3.x that you currently have) and copy the files that you need.

There is not installation wizard for this Beta, and no help file yet. You'll have to wait the Final version for that.

I included two print templates with the program, they are in the "Templates" folder.
In the zip files there is also the program AMCReport.exe, which actually is just the Report Designer from FreeReport (what I use for printing).
It allows you to modify and create ".frf" files, that are used by Ant Movie Catalog for printing.

Here is a small help about this report designer. If you need more help please go to the "Help" section of this forum ;)

I recommend to observe the file "Template1.frf" before trying to create a new template.

When you create a new template with the Report Designer, you need to put at lease one "band" objects (from icons on the left), and this band must be a "Master data" band. When it asks which data source you want to use, just leave "[None]".
This band will be repeated for each movie.

Then on this band you can put fields : "rectangle" objects (from the icon on the left).
In these you can put text.
There are special text strings that will be replaced by movies data.
These strings are available from the "Variables" button, in the Text Editor window that appears when you modify a rectangle object.

To put the movie picture, add a "picture" object, in its properties window click on "Memo" button, and then enter "[Picture]" (or select "Picture" from the variables list, with the "Variables" button, like for the rectangle objects.

It is a little difficult to use, I know :/
I will see if I can easily modify this program to make it more easy to use ;)
I'll also probably add screenshots.
Last edited by antp on 2003-03-02 16:26:35, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by antp »

Again a new version. This time it is a "release candidate", i.e. it will be the final version if I do not discover new bugs.
You can get it from there:

What's new since previous beta:

- functions to format titles in the scripting tool :

Code: Select all

function AnsiUpperCase(Value: string): string;
function AnsiLowerCase(Value: string): string;
function AnsiUpFirstLetter(Value: string): string;
function AnsiMixedCase(Value: string; Delimiters: string): string;
These functions use Windows API functions to convert characters. E.g. a "é" will be converted to "É" etc...

- import video and audio bitrates : the audio bitrate is the one that is found in the AVI header, and the video bitrate is calculated. These two values are not always very accurate, but I haven't found anything better :(

Now I'll start writing help files and translations, so a real final version with its installed may be ready within one week (maybe two).
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Post by antp »

A bug in the XML parser has been corrected, and the audio bitrate detection has been improved.
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