Merge IMDB (batch) and Culturalia scripts
Merge IMDB (batch) and Culturalia scripts
is it possible to merge both scripts to get, for example, the imdb url, movie title, rating, year and lenght from IMDB and all other info from culturalia?
if not, is it possible to make culturalia script more automated, like IMDB batch?
if not, is it possible to make culturalia script more automated, like IMDB batch?
Here is my first try with the scripts!!! This script merge the IMDB batch with Culturalia, is not perfect and more option can be added, but it´s the first step....
Code: Select all
// Culturalia (múltiples archivos Con Portada)
* Movie importation script for: *
* Culturalia, *
* *
* Original version made by David Arenillas *
* New version made by Antoine Potten *
* Modified by Jose Miguel Folgueira *
* Modified by RedDwarf *
* Modified for multiple files by Hades666 *
* Thanks to Culturalia's webmaster for his help *
* and for providing more direct access to his *
* database *
* *
* For use with Ant Movie Catalog 3.4.0 *
* ··· *
* *
* The source code of the script can be used in *
* another program only if full credits to *
* script author and a link to Ant Movie Catalog *
* website are given in the About box or in *
* the documentation of the program *
program Culturalia;
MovieName, Temporal: string;
BaseURL = '';
function FindLine(Pattern: string; List: TStringList; StartAt: Integer): Integer;
i: Integer;
result := -1;
if StartAt < 0 then
StartAt := 0;
for i := StartAt to List.Count-1 do
if Pos(Pattern, List.GetString(i)) <> 0 then
result := i;
procedure AnalyzePage(Address: string);
Page: TStringList;
LineNr: Integer;
Code, Title, TitleOri, Year, temp, temp2: string;
Page := TStringList.Create;
Page.Text := GetPage(Address);
if Pos('No se ha encontrado ningún artículo por título', Page.Text) > 0 then
end else
LineNr := 1;
Page.Text := StringReplace(Page.Text, '<br>', #13#10);
temp := MovieName + '.';
while (Title <> temp) and (LineNr + 3 < Page.Count) do
Code := GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(LineNr), 'Codigo = ');
Title := GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(LineNr+1), 'Titulo = ');
temp2 := copy(Title,length(Title)-4,length(Title));
if (temp2 = ', El.') or (temp2 = ', La.') then
temp2 := copy(Title, 1, length(Title)-5);
Title := temp2;
temp2 := copy(Title,length(Title)-5,length(Title));
if (temp2 = ', Los.') or (temp2 = ', Las.') then
temp2 := copy(Title, 1, length(Title)-6);
Title := temp2;
TitleOri := GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(LineNr+2), 'Titulo original = ');
Year := GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(LineNr+3), 'Año = ');
Address := (BaseURL + '?catalogo=1&codigo=' + Code);
lineNr := LineNr + 5;
procedure AnalyzeMoviePage(Address: string);
Page: TStringList;
Comments: string;
strTitle: string;
strSinopsis: string;
Line: string;
LineNr: Integer;
EndPos: Integer;
EndSinopsis: Integer;
long: Integer;
Page := TStringList.Create;
Page.Text := StringReplace(GetPage(Address), '<br><br>', #13#10);
Page.Text := StringReplace(Page.Text, '<br>', #13#10);
strTitle := GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(1), 'Titulo = ');
SetField(fieldOriginalTitle, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(2), 'Titulo original = '));
SetField(fieldYear, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(3), 'Año = '));
SetField(fieldCategory, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(4), 'Genero = '));
SetField(fieldCountry, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(5), 'Nacion = '));
SetField(fieldDirector, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(6), 'Director = '));
SetField(fieldActors, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(7), 'Actores = '));
SetField(fieldProducer, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(8), 'Productor = '));
Comments := 'Guión: ' + GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(9), 'Guion = ');
Comments := Comments + #13#10 + 'Fotografía: ' + GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(10), 'Fotografia = ');
Comments := Comments + #13#10 + 'Música: ' + GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(11), 'Musica = ');
SetField(fieldComments, Comments);
LineNr := FindLine('Sinopsis = ', Page, 0);
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
strSinopsis := GetValueAfter(Line, 'Sinopsis = ');
LineNr := LineNr + 1;
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
while pos('URL = ', Line) = 0 do
strSinopsis := strSinopsis + #13#10 + Line;
LineNr := LineNr + 1;
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
SetField(fieldDescription, StringReplace(StringReplace(strSinopsis, '“', '"'), '”', '"'));
LineNr := FindLine('URL = ', Page, 0);
if LineNr <> -1 then
SetField(fieldURL, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(LineNr), 'URL = '));
LineNr := FindLine('Imagen = ', Page, 0);
if LineNr <> -1 then
GetPicture(GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(LineNr), 'Imagen = '), False);
function GetValueAfter(Line, Identifier: string): string;
if Pos(Identifier, Line) = 1 then
Result := Copy(Line, Length(Identifier)+1, Length(Line))
Result := '';
if CheckVersion(3,4,0) then
MovieName := GetField(fieldTranslatedTitle);
if MovieName = '' then
MovieName := GetField (fieldOriginalTitle);
temporal := copy(MovieName, 1, 3);
if (temporal = 'El ') or (temporal = 'La ') then
temporal := copy(MovieName, 4, length(MovieName));
MovieName := temporal;
temporal := copy(MovieName, 1, 4);
if (temporal = 'Los ') or (temporal = 'Las ') then
temporal := copy(MovieName, 5, length(MovieName));
MovieName := temporal;
if MovieName <> '' then
AnalyzePage(BaseURL + '?catalogo=1&texto=' + UrlEncode(MovieName) + '&donde=3');
end else
ShowMessage('This script requires a newer version of Ant Movie Catalog (at least the version 3.4.0)');
wow... great job
thank you for automating the culturalia script
i've made a little change, now it takes _first_ the orignal title and if it not exits, the translated one.
why??? because the spanish title of a movie isnt the same than the argentinan (my country or the one from Chile, venezuela, etc. supose you have on your AMC database:
Movie Title: The Fight Club
Translated Title: El Club de la Pelea
Culturalia wont find anything because in spain, fight club is titled "El club de la Lucha". This happens with a lot of movies, so is much better to search with the OrginalTitle.
Well, now supose your orginal title isnt "The Fight Club", is "Fight Club, The" like iMDB standars. Culturalia doesnt find anything, because the movie titles are formatted like "Club de la Lucha, El (The Fight Club)". So we should move the ", The" to the beginning, so it can find a result. There is a thread with a code to do this, on viewtopic.php?t=726 I've tryed to copy/paste that code to the Culturalia "Batch" script, and it always gives me errors, i'm sure i'm doing something wrong but i dont know what. So if anyone want to help with this, thank you in advice....
thank you for automating the culturalia script
i've made a little change, now it takes _first_ the orignal title and if it not exits, the translated one.
why??? because the spanish title of a movie isnt the same than the argentinan (my country or the one from Chile, venezuela, etc. supose you have on your AMC database:
Movie Title: The Fight Club
Translated Title: El Club de la Pelea
Culturalia wont find anything because in spain, fight club is titled "El club de la Lucha". This happens with a lot of movies, so is much better to search with the OrginalTitle.
Code: Select all
MovieName := GetField(fieldTranslatedTitle);
if MovieName = '' then
MovieName := GetField (fieldOriginalTitle);
Code: Select all
MovieName := GetField(fieldOriginalTitle);
if MovieName = '' then
MovieName := GetField (fieldTranslatedTitle);
Well, now supose your orginal title isnt "The Fight Club", is "Fight Club, The" like iMDB standars. Culturalia doesnt find anything, because the movie titles are formatted like "Club de la Lucha, El (The Fight Club)". So we should move the ", The" to the beginning, so it can find a result. There is a thread with a code to do this, on viewtopic.php?t=726 I've tryed to copy/paste that code to the Culturalia "Batch" script, and it always gives me errors, i'm sure i'm doing something wrong but i dont know what. So if anyone want to help with this, thank you in advice....
Hi Hades666. Good work. A suggestion:Hades666 wrote:Code: Select all
temporal := copy(MovieName, 1, 3); if (temporal = 'El ') or (temporal = 'La ') then begin temporal := copy(MovieName, 4, length(MovieName)); MovieName := temporal; end temporal := copy(MovieName, 1, 4); if (temporal = 'Los ') or (temporal = 'Las ') then begin temporal := copy(MovieName, 5, length(MovieName)); MovieName := temporal; end
Like in IMDB (batch) it would be better to use arrays for articles. Why? There are more articles than "El, La, Los, Las", like "Un" in "Un golpe maestro".
It would be something like :
Code: Select all
Articles: array of string;
Index: Integer;
Articles[0]:='El ';
Articles[1]:='La ';
Articles[2]:='Los ';
Articles[3]:='La ';
Articles[4]:='Un ';
Articles[5]:='Una ';
for Index := 0 to 5 do
if Pos(Articles[Index], MovieName) <> 0 then
MovieName := copy(MovieName, length(Article[Index]), length(MovieName));
Didn't try it yet, i'm a bit busy, if anyone does it...
Regards, folgui
Another thing, the script published by Hades666 doesn't include the fix made by RedDwarf to fix the problem when movietitle contains more than one '.' (point) , like in thread: viewtopic.php?t=743
That thread has an updated version of the script that antp doesn't include in the script pack of 01 Sep 03, the latest at this moment.
It should be necessary to add/change the next code in the script published by Hades666 :
Regards, folgui
Another thing, the script published by Hades666 doesn't include the fix made by RedDwarf to fix the problem when movietitle contains more than one '.' (point) , like in thread: viewtopic.php?t=743
That thread has an updated version of the script that antp doesn't include in the script pack of 01 Sep 03, the latest at this moment.
It should be necessary to add/change the next code in the script published by Hades666 :
Code: Select all
strTitle := GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(1), 'Titulo = ');
if copy(strTitle, Length(strTitle), Length(strTitle)) = '.' then
SetField(fieldTranslatedTitle, copy(strTitle, 1, Length(strTitle) -1 ));
end else
SetField(fieldTranslatedTitle, strTitle);
SetField(fieldOriginalTitle, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(2), 'Titulo original = '));
Another question
This script is to make a batch version of culturalia only? The topic say IMDB + culturalia (batch), but it doesn't get any info from imdb.
Is it going to be a batch version that gets info from culturalia and other from imdb?
I'm a bit lost.
I need to know because antp published here time ago a version that merged imdb+culturalia (SINGLE movie) but it doesn't work ok at the moment, so some job is neccesary. I'm interested on it and probably will work on it some of these days.
Regards, folgui.
Another question
This script is to make a batch version of culturalia only? The topic say IMDB + culturalia (batch), but it doesn't get any info from imdb.
Is it going to be a batch version that gets info from culturalia and other from imdb?
I'm a bit lost.
I need to know because antp published here time ago a version that merged imdb+culturalia (SINGLE movie) but it doesn't work ok at the moment, so some job is neccesary. I'm interested on it and probably will work on it some of these days.
Regards, folgui.
In this thread viewtopic.php?t=906 you have the culturalia+imdb merged script, only for one (single) movie.
Checkit to find bugs and improvements.
By default, it gets all info from culturalia and only "rating" and "length" from imdb, but it's simple to configure to get more data from IMDB, but then it will overwrite fields obtained from culturalia. No sé si me explico
In that script, i've tried/used the code of array of articles mentioned above and it works ok.
Well, then i think we only need the BATCH version of it, and that is what we are using this topic for, aren't we?
Regards, folgui
In this thread viewtopic.php?t=906 you have the culturalia+imdb merged script, only for one (single) movie.
Checkit to find bugs and improvements.
By default, it gets all info from culturalia and only "rating" and "length" from imdb, but it's simple to configure to get more data from IMDB, but then it will overwrite fields obtained from culturalia. No sé si me explico
In that script, i've tried/used the code of array of articles mentioned above and it works ok.
Well, then i think we only need the BATCH version of it, and that is what we are using this topic for, aren't we?
Regards, folgui
Last edited by folgui on 2003-09-20 07:12:02, edited 1 time in total.
Hi KaBeCi!
You're suggestion to change order of title...the most of the times i don't know original title (usually in english), so i think it's faster and better to maintain translated title first, the one that usually i write to do the search.
Otherwise, of course you can modify the script to set it like you want
Regards, folgui
You're suggestion to change order of title...the most of the times i don't know original title (usually in english), so i think it's faster and better to maintain translated title first, the one that usually i write to do the search.
Otherwise, of course you can modify the script to set it like you want
Regards, folgui
Here is an operational pre-release of Culturalia+IMDB (Batch) script. Try it with caution, with a backup first or a temporal movie database.
It works for most movies but not for others. Examples, for "El Arte de la Guerra" we get info for "Kickboxer 3: el arte de la guerra"; for "Hombres de negro" we get info for "Hombre de negro II".
Don't know why at the moment, perhaps culturalia problem, perhaps script problem. Must check it.
It's a first step...
Regards, folgui
Here is an operational pre-release of Culturalia+IMDB (Batch) script. Try it with caution, with a backup first or a temporal movie database.
It works for most movies but not for others. Examples, for "El Arte de la Guerra" we get info for "Kickboxer 3: el arte de la guerra"; for "Hombres de negro" we get info for "Hombre de negro II".
Don't know why at the moment, perhaps culturalia problem, perhaps script problem. Must check it.
It's a first step...
Code: Select all
// Culturalia+IMDB (Batch)
* Script merged by Jose Miguel Folgueira, based *
* on a similar script merged by Antoine Potten *
* *
* Movie importation script for: *
* IMDB (US), *
* *
* (c) 2002 Antoine Potten *
* Contributors : *
* Danny Falkov *
* Kai Blankenhorn *
* lboregard *
* Ork <> *
* Trekkie <> *
* Youri Heijnen *
* *
* Movie importation script for: *
* Culturalia, *
* *
* Original version made by David Arenillas *
* New version made by Antoine Potten *
* Contributors: *
* Jose Miguel Folgueira *
* RedDwarf *
* Hades666 *
* *
* Thanks to Culturalia's webmaster for his help *
* and for providing more direct access to his *
* database *
* *
* For use with Ant Movie Catalog 3.4.x *
* ··· *
* *
* The source code of the script can be used in *
* another program only if full credits to *
* script author and a link to Ant Movie Catalog *
* website are given in the About box or in *
* the documentation of the program *
* *
program Culturalia_IMDB_Batch;
MovieName, Titulo: string;
MovieURL: string;
Articles: array of string;
Index: Integer;
BaseURLCulturalia = '';
DescriptionToImport = 2;
2 = import longest
1 = import short (from main page, faster)
0 = display list to select a description
UseLongestDescIMDB = False; // If set to False shortest description available will be imported, faster since taken from main page
// Set the following constants to True to import field, or False to skip field (fiels to import from IMDB). By default, only the fields not available at Culturalia are set to True.
// Pon las siguientes constantes a True para importar campo o False para no hacerlo (campos a importar de IMDB). Por defecto, sólo los campos no disponibles en Culturalia están a True.
ImportActors = False;
ImportCategory = False;
ImportComments = False;
ImportCountry = False;
ImportDescription = False;
ImportDirector = False;
ImportLength = True;
ImportLanguage = False;
ImportOriginalTitle = False;
ImportPicture = False;
ImportRating = True;
ImportURL = False;
ImportYear = False;
function FindLine(Pattern: string; List: TStringList; StartAt: Integer): Integer;
i: Integer;
result := -1;
if StartAt < 0 then
StartAt := 0;
for i := StartAt to List.Count-1 do
if Pos(Pattern, List.GetString(i)) <> 0 then
result := i;
procedure AnalyzePageIMDB(Address: string);
Page: TStringList;
LineNr: Integer;
TitleFound: Boolean;
Page := TStringList.Create;
Page.Text := GetPage(Address);
if pos('<TITLE>IMDb', Page.Text) = 0 then
end else
TitleFound := False;
LineNr := 0;
LineNr := FindLine('<H2><A NAME="top">Most popular searches</A></H2>', Page, LineNr);
if LineNr > -1 then
MovieURL := AddMoviesTitles(Page, LineNr);
TitleFound := True;
LineNr := FindLine('<H2><A NAME="mov">Movies</A></H2>', Page, LineNr);
if (LineNr > -1) And Not (TitleFound) then
MovieURL := AddMoviesTitles(Page, LineNr);
TitleFound := True;
LineNr := FindLine('<H2><A NAME="tvm">TV-Movies</A></H2>', Page, LineNr);
if (LineNr > -1) And Not (TitleFound) then
MovieURL := AddMoviesTitles(Page, LineNr);
TitleFound := True;
LineNr := FindLine('<H2><A NAME="vid">Made for video</A></H2>', Page, LineNr);
if (LineNr > -1) And Not (TitleFound) then
MovieURL := AddMoviesTitles(Page, LineNr);
TitleFound := True;
LineNr := FindLine('<H2><A NAME="tvs">TV series</A></H2>', Page, LineNr);
if (LineNr > -1) And Not (TitleFound) then
MovieURL := AddMoviesTitles(Page, LineNr);
TitleFound := True;
if TitleFound then
procedure AnalyzeMoviePageIMDB(Page: TStringList);
Line, Value, Value2, FullValue: string;
LineNr: Integer;
BeginPos, EndPos, DescrImport: Integer;
DescrImport := DescriptionToImport;
if (DescrImport <> 1) and (Pos('<a href="plotsummary">', Page.Text) = 0) then
DescrImport := 1;
MovieURL := '' + copy(Page.Text, pos('<a href="/title/tt',Page.Text)+19, 7);
// URL
SetField(fieldURL, MovieURL);
// Original Title & Year
if (ImportOriginalTitle) or (ImportYear) then
LineNr := FindLine('<title>', Page, 0);
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
if LineNr > -1 then
BeginPos := pos('<title>', Line);
if BeginPos > 0 then
BeginPos := BeginPos + 7;
EndPos := pos('(', Line);
if EndPos = 0 then
EndPos := Length(Line);
Value := copy(Line, BeginPos, EndPos - BeginPos - 1);
if ImportOriginalTitle then
OldOriginalTitle := GetField(fieldOriginalTitle);
if (ImportTranslatedTitle) and Not (LeaveOriginalTitle) then
SetField(fieldOriginalTitle, Value);
BeginPos := pos('(', Line) + 1;
if BeginPos > 0 then
EndPos := Pos('/I', Line);
if EndPos < BeginPos then
EndPos := pos(')', Line);
Value := copy(Line, BeginPos, EndPos - BeginPos);
if ImportYear then
SetField(fieldYear, Value);
// Rating
if ImportRating then
LineNr := FindLine('User Rating:', Page, 0);
if LineNr > -1 then
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr + 4);
if Pos('/10', Line) > 0 then
BeginPos := pos('<b>', Line) + 3;
Value := IntToStr(Round(StrToInt(StrGet(Line, BeginPos), 0) + (StrToInt(StrGet(Line, BeginPos + 2), 0) / 10)));
SetField(fieldRating, Value);
// Director
if ImportDirector then
LineNr := FindLine('Directed by', Page, 0);
if LineNr > -1 then
FullValue := '';
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr + 1);
BeginPos := pos('">', Line) + 2;
EndPos := pos('</a>', Line);
Value := copy(Line, BeginPos, EndPos - BeginPos);
if (Value <> '(more)') and (Value <> '') then
if FullValue <> '' then
FullValue := FullValue + ', ';
FullValue := FullValue + Value;
Delete(Line, 1, EndPos);
until Pos('</a>', Line) = 0;
SetField(fieldDirector, FullValue);
// Actors
if ImportActors then
LineNr := FindLine('ast overview', Page, 0);
if LineNr = -1 then
LineNr := FindLine('redited cast', Page, 0);
if LineNr > -1 then
FullValue := '';
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
BeginPos := Pos('<td valign="top">', Line);
if BeginPos > 0 then
Delete(Line, 1, BeginPos);
Line := copy(Line, 25, Length(Line));
BeginPos := pos('">', Line) + 2;
EndPos := pos('</a>', Line);
if EndPos = 0 then
EndPos := Pos('</td>', Line);
Value := copy(Line, BeginPos, EndPos - BeginPos);
if (Value <> '(more)') and (Value <> '') then
BeginPos := pos('.... </td><td valign="top">', Line);
if BeginPos > 0 then
EndPos := pos('</td></tr>', Line);
BeginPos := BeginPos + 27;
Value2 := copy(Line, BeginPos, EndPos - BeginPos);
if Value2 <> '' then
Value := Value + ' (as ' + Value2 + ')';
if FullValue <> '' then
FullValue := FullValue + ', ';
FullValue := FullValue + Value;
EndPos := Pos('</td></tr>', Line);
Delete(Line, 1, EndPos);
end else
Line := '';
until Line = '';
SetField(fieldActors, FullValue);
if ImportCountry then
LineNr := FindLine('Country:', Page, 0);
if LineNr > -1 then
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr + 1);
BeginPos := pos('/">', Line) + 3;
EndPos := pos('</a>', Line);
Value := copy(Line, BeginPos, EndPos - BeginPos);
SetField(fieldCountry, Value);
// Category
if ImportCategory then
LineNr := FindLine('Genre:', Page, 0);
if LineNr > -1 then
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr + 1);
BeginPos := pos('/">', Line) + 3;
EndPos := pos('</a>', Line);
Value := copy(Line, BeginPos, EndPos - BeginPos);
SetField(fieldCategory, Value);
if ImportDescription then
LineNr := FindLine('Plot Summary:', Page, 0);
if LineNr < 1 then
LineNr := FindLine('Plot Outline:', Page, 0);
if LineNr > -1 then
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
BeginPos := pos('</b>', Line) + 5;
EndPos := pos('<a href', Line);
if EndPos < 1 then
Line := Line + Page.GetString(LineNr+1);
EndPos := pos('<br><br>', Line);
if EndPos < 1 then
EndPos := Length(Line);
Value := copy(Line, BeginPos, EndPos - BeginPos);
if UseLongestDescIMDB then
SetField(fieldDescription, GetDescriptions(MovieURL + 'plotsummary'))
SetField(fieldDescription, Value);
// Comments
if ImportComments then
LineNr := FindLine('<b>Summary:</b>', Page, 0);
if LineNr > -1 then
Value := '';
LineNr := LineNr + 1;
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
EndPos := Pos('</blockquote>', Line);
if EndPos = 0 then
EndPos := Length(Line)
EndPos := EndPos - 1;
Value := Value + Copy(Line, 1, EndPos) + ' ';
until Pos('</blockquote>', Line) > 0;
Value := StringReplace(Value, '<br>', #13#10);
Value := StringReplace(Value, #13#10+' ', #13#10);
SetField(fieldComments, Value);
// Length
if ImportLength then
LineNr := FindLine('Runtime:', Page, 0);
if LineNr > -1 then
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr + 1);
EndPos := pos(' min', Line);
if EndPos = 0 then
EndPos := pos(' /', Line);
if EndPos = 0 then
EndPos := Length(Line);
if Pos(':', Line) < EndPos then
BeginPos := Pos(':', Line) + 1
BeginPos := 1;
Value := copy(Line, BeginPos, EndPos - BeginPos);
SetField(fieldLength, Value);
// Language
LineNr := FindLine('Language:', Page, 0);
if LineNr > -1 then
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr + 1);
BeginPos := pos('/">', Line) + 3;
EndPos := pos('</a>', Line);
if EndPos = 0 then
EndPos := Length(Line);
Value := copy(Line, BeginPos, EndPos - BeginPos);
if ImportLanguage then
SetField(fieldLanguages, Value);
// Picture
if ImportPicture then
LineNr := FindLine('<img alt="cover" align="left" src="', Page, 0);
if LineNr < 0 then
LineNr := FindLine('<img alt="cover" align="left" src="', Page, 0);
if LineNr < 0 then
LineNr := FindLine('<img alt="cover" align="left" src="', Page, 0);
if LineNr > -1 then
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
BeginPos := pos('src="', Line) + 4;
Delete(Line, 1, BeginPos);
EndPos := pos('"', Line);
Value := copy(Line, 1, EndPos - 1);
GetPicture(Value, False); // False = do not store picture externally ; store it in the catalog file
function GetDescriptions(Address: string): string;
Line, Value: string;
LineNr: Integer;
BeginPos, EndPos,Longest: Integer;
Page: TStringList;
Result := '';
Longest := 0;
Page := TStringList.Create;
Page.Text := GetPage(Address);
LineNr := FindLine('<p class="plotpar">', Page, 0);
while LineNr > -1 do
Value := '';
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
BeginPos := pos('"plotpar">', Line);
if BeginPos > 0 then
BeginPos := BeginPos + 10
BeginPos := 1;
EndPos := pos('</p>', Line);
if EndPos < 1 then
EndPos := Length(Line) + 1;
if Value <> '' then
Value := Value + ' ';
Value := Value + copy(Line, BeginPos, EndPos - BeginPos);
LineNr := LineNr + 1;
until (pos('</p>', Line) > 0) or (LineNr = Page.Count);
if Length(Value) > Longest then
Result := Value;
Longest := Length(Value);
LineNr := FindLine('<p class="plotpar">', Page, LineNr);
function AddMoviesTitles(Page: TStringList; var LineNr: Integer): String;
Line: string;
MovieTitle, MovieAddress: string;
StartPos: Integer;
LineNr := LineNr + 1;
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
StartPos := pos('="', Line);
if StartPos > 0 then
Startpos := Startpos + 2;
MovieAddress := copy(Line, StartPos, pos('">', Line) - StartPos);
StartPos := pos('">', Line) + 2;
MovieTitle := copy(Line, StartPos, pos('</A>', Line) - StartPos);
if Length(Result) <= 0 then
Result := '' + MovieAddress;
until pos('</OL>', Line) > 0;
procedure AnalyzePageCulturalia(Address: string);
Page: TStringList;
LineNr: Integer;
Code, Title, TitleOrig, Year, temp, temp2: string;
Page := TStringList.Create;
Page.Text := GetPage(Address);
if Pos('No se ha encontrado ningún artículo por título', Page.Text) = 0 then
LineNr := 1;
Page.Text := StringReplace(Page.Text, '<br>', #13#10);
temp := MovieName + '.';
while (Title <> temp) and (LineNr + 3 < Page.Count) do
Code := GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(LineNr), 'Codigo = ');
Title := GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(LineNr+1), 'Titulo = ');
temp2 := copy(Title,length(Title)-4,length(Title));
if (temp2 = ', El.') or (temp2 = ', La.') or (temp2 = ', Un.') then
temp2 := copy(Title, 1, length(Title)-5);
Title := temp2;
temp2 := copy(Title,length(Title)-5,length(Title));
if (temp2 = ', Los.') or (temp2 = ', Las.') or (temp2 = ', Una.') then
temp2 := copy(Title, 1, length(Title)-6);
Title := temp2;
TitleOrig := GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(LineNr+2), 'Titulo original = ');
//Year := GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(LineNr+3), 'Año = ');
Address := (BaseURL + '?catalogo=1&codigo=' + Code);
lineNr := LineNr + 5;
procedure AnalyzeMoviePageCulturalia(Address: string);
Page: TStringList;
Comments: string;
strTitle: string;
strSinopsis: string;
Line: string;
LineNr: Integer;
Page := TStringList.Create;
Page.Text := StringReplace(GetPage(Address), '<br><br>', #13#10);
Page.Text := StringReplace(Page.Text, '<br>', #13#10);
strTitle := GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(1), 'Titulo = ');
if copy(strTitle, Length(strTitle), Length(strTitle)) = '.' then
SetField(fieldTranslatedTitle, copy(strTitle, 1, Length(strTitle) -1 ));
end else
SetField(fieldTranslatedTitle, strTitle);
SetField(fieldOriginalTitle, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(2), 'Titulo original = '));
SetField(fieldYear, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(3), 'Año = '));
SetField(fieldCategory, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(4), 'Genero = '));
SetField(fieldCountry, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(5), 'Nacion = '));
SetField(fieldDirector, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(6), 'Director = '));
SetField(fieldActors, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(7), 'Actores = '));
SetField(fieldProducer, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(8), 'Productor = '));
Comments := 'Guión: ' + GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(9), 'Guion = ');
Comments := Comments + #13#10 + 'Fotografía: ' + GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(10), 'Fotografia = ');
Comments := Comments + #13#10 + 'Música: ' + GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(11), 'Musica = ');
SetField(fieldComments, Comments);
LineNr := FindLine('Sinopsis = ', Page, 0);
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
strSinopsis := GetValueAfter(Line, 'Sinopsis = ');
LineNr := LineNr + 1;
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
while pos('URL = ', Line) = 0 do
strSinopsis := strSinopsis + #13#10 + Line;
LineNr := LineNr + 1;
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
SetField(fieldDescription, StringReplace(StringReplace(strSinopsis, '“', '"'), '”', '"'));
LineNr := FindLine('URL = ', Page, 0);
if LineNr <> -1 then
SetField(fieldURL, GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(LineNr), 'URL = '));
LineNr := FindLine('Imagen = ', Page, 0);
if LineNr <> -1 then
GetPicture(GetValueAfter(Page.GetString(LineNr), 'Imagen = '), False);
function GetValueAfter(Line, Identifier: string): string;
if Pos(Identifier, Line) = 1 then
Result := Copy(Line, Length(Identifier)+1, Length(Line))
Result := '';
Articles[0]:='El ';
Articles[1]:='La ';
Articles[2]:='Los ';
Articles[3]:='La ';
Articles[4]:='Un ';
Articles[5]:='Una ';
if CheckVersion(3,4,0) then
MovieName := GetField(fieldTranslatedTitle);
if MovieName = '' then
MovieName := GetField (fieldOriginalTitle);
if MovieName = '' then
MovieName := Input('Importar de Culturalia', 'Introduce el Titulo de la Pelicula:', MovieName);
if MovieName <> '' then
for Index := 0 to 5 do
if Pos(Articles[Index], MovieName) <> 0 then
MovieName := copy(MovieName, length(Articles[Index]), length(MovieName));
AnalyzePageCulturalia(BaseURLCulturalia + '?catalogo=1&texto=' + UrlEncode(MovieName) + '&donde=3');
end else
ShowMessage('This script requires a newer version of Ant Movie Catalog (at least the version 3.4.0)');
Regards, folgui
wow, thanks... i´ve made a few changes to the script to work OK:
where it said
now says
before changing that, i was getting an error each time i try to use it, it said: "Script Error: CULTURALIA_IMDB_BATCH at position 16711 (unknown identifier: BASEURL)
i`ve also added some constants that are used on the script but not assigned, causing errors:
If you search for the movie "Sunset Blvd." it wont find anything because they have it as "Sunset Blvd" (without the ".") may will be good to add a line to the script to remove all the "." in title. (i dont know how to do it)
Culturalia title formatting is like "Silencios de los Corderos, El (The Silence of the Lambs)". So for the translated title displays the ", El" at the end and for the original title, it doesnt.
So, if you search for "El silencio de los corderos" you wont find anything and if you search for "Silence of the Lambs, The", you wont find anything.
I`ve thought of 2 ways of modify the script but i dont know how to code`em . the script should be like this: if it reads the original title (from the catalog), then move the ", The" (and all the other articles) to the beggining. If it takes the translated title, then move the "El" (and all other articles) to the end. The other way to fix it, is instead of checking if the title was taken from the orignal or the translated field, just if the title start with El, Los, Un, La, Una, moves the article to the end (so is ", El") and if the movie has any of the other foreing articles, it moves it to the beggining (so is "the silence of the lambs" instead of "silence of the lambs, the")
Please check the article list on this thread:
i`m getting an error when i`ve to type the title of the movie, i dont know how to fix it.
I`ve also changed, *again*, the script to look if exists an original title first and then the translated one. check my previous post. (folgui: it doesnt take any extra time to look first if EXISTS an original title on your catalog, and it`ll be more compatible with all NON-SPAIN users and people who use the Translated Title field for other info)
it`ll be great the possibility to get the amazon large pic, is there any "batch" code so it can be copy/pasted to this script?
folgui: gracias por el script.
adios amigos.
where it said
Code: Select all
Address := (BaseURL + '?catalogo=1&codigo=' + Code);
Code: Select all
Address := (BaseURLCulturalia + '?catalogo=1&codigo=' + Code);
i`ve also added some constants that are used on the script but not assigned, causing errors:
Code: Select all
ImportTranslatedTitle = False ;
LeaveOriginalTitle = True ;
Culturalia title formatting is like "Silencios de los Corderos, El (The Silence of the Lambs)". So for the translated title displays the ", El" at the end and for the original title, it doesnt.
So, if you search for "El silencio de los corderos" you wont find anything and if you search for "Silence of the Lambs, The", you wont find anything.
I`ve thought of 2 ways of modify the script but i dont know how to code`em . the script should be like this: if it reads the original title (from the catalog), then move the ", The" (and all the other articles) to the beggining. If it takes the translated title, then move the "El" (and all other articles) to the end. The other way to fix it, is instead of checking if the title was taken from the orignal or the translated field, just if the title start with El, Los, Un, La, Una, moves the article to the end (so is ", El") and if the movie has any of the other foreing articles, it moves it to the beggining (so is "the silence of the lambs" instead of "silence of the lambs, the")
Please check the article list on this thread:
i`m getting an error when i`ve to type the title of the movie, i dont know how to fix it.
I`ve also changed, *again*, the script to look if exists an original title first and then the translated one. check my previous post. (folgui: it doesnt take any extra time to look first if EXISTS an original title on your catalog, and it`ll be more compatible with all NON-SPAIN users and people who use the Translated Title field for other info)
Code: Select all
MovieName := GetField(fieldTranslatedTitle);
if MovieName = '' then
MovieName := GetField (fieldOriginalTitle);
Code: Select all
MovieName := GetField(fieldOriginalTitle);
if MovieName = '' then
MovieName := GetField (fieldTranslatedTitle);
it`ll be great the possibility to get the amazon large pic, is there any "batch" code so it can be copy/pasted to this script?
folgui: gracias por el script.
adios amigos.
Hi KaBeCi!
Yes, i tried a working version of script, and then for some reason i mixed something and forgot to change the line of "BaseURL" to "BaseURLCulturalia". Thanks.
The constants you say, are in the code because it needs "cleaning" but it doesn't use the part of the script (IMDB-Batch) to obtain "translated title" from IMDB because you just got it from culturalia. I'll look it and decide to import or not to import translated title, perhaps better to import it if somebody needs it for any reason.
I thougt to remove also "ImportOriginalTitle", for the same reason, but it afters a part of code where it also gets "Year", so needed more job, and ... atm it's there.
If you search for "El silencio de los corderos" it would find it in culturalia, that's the reason of the array of articles at main procedure. It's ok in "single movie" imports because it display you the tree of finded movies. But with batch, we have a problem, we need to move the article to the final at Culturalia search, but not in IMDB, because Culturalia gives us a original title that works OK to search in IMDB.
By the way, like this is a batch import it's a bit different from the others, so i'll check it again y try to clean it a bit.
Regards, folgui
Yes, i tried a working version of script, and then for some reason i mixed something and forgot to change the line of "BaseURL" to "BaseURLCulturalia". Thanks.
The constants you say, are in the code because it needs "cleaning" but it doesn't use the part of the script (IMDB-Batch) to obtain "translated title" from IMDB because you just got it from culturalia. I'll look it and decide to import or not to import translated title, perhaps better to import it if somebody needs it for any reason.
I thougt to remove also "ImportOriginalTitle", for the same reason, but it afters a part of code where it also gets "Year", so needed more job, and ... atm it's there.
If you search for "El silencio de los corderos" it would find it in culturalia, that's the reason of the array of articles at main procedure. It's ok in "single movie" imports because it display you the tree of finded movies. But with batch, we have a problem, we need to move the article to the final at Culturalia search, but not in IMDB, because Culturalia gives us a original title that works OK to search in IMDB.
By the way, like this is a batch import it's a bit different from the others, so i'll check it again y try to clean it a bit.
When does it occur? If movie title is not found?i`m getting an error when i`ve to type the title of the movie, i dont know how to fix it.
i don't use that but will have a look on`ll be great the possibility to get the amazon large pic, is there any "batch" code so it can be copy/pasted to this script?
I'll do some checks with this...I`ve also changed, *again*, the script to look if exists an original title first and then the translated one. check my previous post. (folgui: it doesnt take any extra time to look first if EXISTS an original title on your catalog, and it`ll be more compatible with all NON-SPAIN users and people who use the Translated Title field for other info)
Regards, folgui
hi folgui, always when i've to type the title of the movie, as soon as i press enter, i receive an error that says: Script Error: CULTURALIA_IMDB_BATCH at position 20596 (type mismatch). This is the line that causes the error:
MovieName := Input('Importar de Culturalia', 'Introduce el Titulo de la Pelicula:', MovieName);
i think is not a good idea to remove the import of the imdb original and translated title. Sometimes we get info from 2 different movies on IMDB and CULTURALIA, so is a very good option to get the original title from IMDB and the translated one from CULTURALIA, for error checking purpose. Actually, the culturalia batch script IS NOT ABLE to import the IMDB original title.
MovieName := Input('Importar de Culturalia', 'Introduce el Titulo de la Pelicula:', MovieName);
i think is not a good idea to remove the import of the imdb original and translated title. Sometimes we get info from 2 different movies on IMDB and CULTURALIA, so is a very good option to get the original title from IMDB and the translated one from CULTURALIA, for error checking purpose. Actually, the culturalia batch script IS NOT ABLE to import the IMDB original title.
New topic with a working version, i think, check it here: viewtopic.php?t=912
The script of that topic, has updated the above one with the next fixes/updates:
- If there's a point at final of movie title before search, Culturalia doesn't find it. Fixed!. Sample: "Sunset Bvld.". Thanks KaBeCi.
- By default, culturalia's import of TranslatedTitle (spanish) has the articles at the final, after ', '. But then if you do a search of that, it doesn't find it. So changed to import article at beginning of title. Used same function as IDMB (US) script, works perfectly. Now after an import, if you do a new search, it works Ok. Thanks KaBeCi.
- If exists MovieName at 'fieldOriginalTitle' or "fieldTranslatedTitle' then it doesn't offer the window (input) to introduce movie name, otherwise, the window appears.
- Some code has been cleaned, not neccesary or superfluous.
- Other code has been added to add more IMDB import info if neccesary.
- Searchs now first for "OriginalTitle" rather than "TranslatedTitle", seems better for non-Spain users. Thanks KaBeCi.
- Error when OriginalTitle/TranslatedTitle fields are empty, it appears input window to introduce title, and after Ok, the result was a "Type mismatch". Fixed!. Thanks KaBeCi.
- Culturalia gives an internal error with several imports simultaneously, i've used the Sleep(500) to relay 1/2 seconds the call to AnalyzeMoviePageCulturalia. I think it has been fixed.
Regards, folgui.
New topic with a working version, i think, check it here: viewtopic.php?t=912
The script of that topic, has updated the above one with the next fixes/updates:
- If there's a point at final of movie title before search, Culturalia doesn't find it. Fixed!. Sample: "Sunset Bvld.". Thanks KaBeCi.
- By default, culturalia's import of TranslatedTitle (spanish) has the articles at the final, after ', '. But then if you do a search of that, it doesn't find it. So changed to import article at beginning of title. Used same function as IDMB (US) script, works perfectly. Now after an import, if you do a new search, it works Ok. Thanks KaBeCi.
- If exists MovieName at 'fieldOriginalTitle' or "fieldTranslatedTitle' then it doesn't offer the window (input) to introduce movie name, otherwise, the window appears.
- Some code has been cleaned, not neccesary or superfluous.
- Other code has been added to add more IMDB import info if neccesary.
- Searchs now first for "OriginalTitle" rather than "TranslatedTitle", seems better for non-Spain users. Thanks KaBeCi.
- Error when OriginalTitle/TranslatedTitle fields are empty, it appears input window to introduce title, and after Ok, the result was a "Type mismatch". Fixed!. Thanks KaBeCi.
- Culturalia gives an internal error with several imports simultaneously, i've used the Sleep(500) to relay 1/2 seconds the call to AnalyzeMoviePageCulturalia. I think it has been fixed.
Regards, folgui.