Insufficient memory to execute the command

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Insufficient memory to execute the command

Post by lorxx »

"Insufficient memory to execute the command"

This is the message of the system only with certain record.
I think that happens when an image is too big to be opened but if i try with the same record and the same image with a fresh system all go right.
Is something i can do to open the bigger images working on registry or other?
All other infos are correctly showed but not the images.
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Post by antp »

When does that happen?
When you select a movie in your catalog and it has to display all info + picture?
Maybe there is some incompatibility between some pictures and the program, or the picture is too big, difficult to tell: what size are the pictures that cause problem?
There is no hidden setting for that, so except resizing pictures if it is the case, there is no solution.
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Re: Insufficient memory to execute the command

Post by alexis1809 »

Me pasa exactamente lo mismo pero es porque la base de datos del programa esta muy grande, yo tenia 2500 con sus caratulas en alta resolucion y me empezo a pasar lo mismo, tuve que separar las caratulas en una carpeta adjunta a la base de datos y el problema termino.
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