Add cover art to catalog

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Add cover art to catalog

Post by Ant316 »

(Hi to all, I'm moving this message here as it may be able to help others)
I'm a long time user of the programme and think its fantastic so great work. I was wondering about the movie poster section, I have a very large dvd collection (2500 discs apx) and to free up some space I have been using a binder system and storing the cover art away. Now I use antmoviecat for my organisation needs but i would like to have the cover art (front and back) in antmovie alongside the movie listed.

Basically i want to be able to see the front cover art for the movie listed then be able to have another picture attached that is the rear of the cover art. Is this possible and if so what image size do you recommed for this to keep size as low as possible but keep it clear enough to read ect.

Ant316 smile

If you already have the pics stored elsewhere, the best is to link the pic to AMC rather than storing it in the catalog: you have that option in the "select picture" window, and you can also define such options in the Preferences window ("Picture importation").
For the second picture, you can use extras, for which you can also link a picture rather than importing it.

If anyone else has any input it would be welcome. I'm especially interested in seeing what size of images you guys use. I have my images already imported to catalog but I may need to do as antp suggested and resize them separate and then link them from a folder.
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Post by Ant316 »

Just released I posted this in the "Ant Renamer" section Instead of the "Antmoviecat" section. so I have copied replies over.

Sorry been a long night :??:
And so the reply I made grin :
If you already have the pics stored elsewhere, the best is to link the pic to AMC rather than storing it in the catalog: you have that option in the "select picture" window, and you can also define such options in the Preferences window ("Picture importation").
For the second picture, you can use extras, for which you can also link a picture rather than importing it.

For the picture size, try doing a few tests and estimate the size of the whole thing depending on average pic size and number of movies.
For a .amc file that contain pictures, it is better to stay below a few hundreds of MB (or even around 100 MB at most) since the file is completely read/written when opened/saved.
If you store picture as external files and just link them to the catalog there is no size problem.
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Post by Ant316 »

Ant316 wrote:Just released I posted this in the "Ant Renamer" section Instead of the "Antmoviecat" section. so I have copied replies over.

Sorry been a long night :??:
And so the reply I made grin :
If you already have the pics stored elsewhere, the best is to link the pic to AMC rather than storing it in the catalog: you have that option in the "select picture" window, and you can also define such options in the Preferences window ("Picture importation").
For the second picture, you can use extras, for which you can also link a picture rather than importing it.

For the picture size, try doing a few tests and estimate the size of the whole thing depending on average pic size and number of movies.
For a .amc file that contain pictures, it is better to stay below a few hundreds of MB (or even around 100 MB at most) since the file is completely read/written when opened/saved.
If you store picture as external files and just link them to the catalog there is no size problem.

thanks for the advice and help. I will try using the folder method and linking the pics at a size i feel is suited to my needs. If any one wants to let me know what size of image they use it may be a good start for a guide.

ant316 :)
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Post by antp »

Ant316 wrote:Just released I posted this in the "Ant Renamer" section Instead of the "Antmoviecat" section.
Indeed, and I didn't even notice that :D
(or else I could have moved the thread; well now I've deleted the other one)
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Post by Ant316 »

Thanks antp.
Originally i had all my my movies images in the catalog, but I am looking to add the rear cover as well (most likely will have to add them manually) so I make a folder just for the cover art and link them to the catalog does that mean that the folder size is not an issue at all and it would be better than having them all in the one large .amc file?

Also I will have to experiment as you said what the best size is quality I can use. I want to ask another thing, can drag images into the catalog and have them auto resize them selves or will induce to resize them manually and then add them?

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Post by antp »

Size may be an issue.
So it depends what is the size of your current catalog and what it will be after you add all images.
When adding images as link, there is also an option to copy it automatically to a subfolder of the catalog and also resize it: see in Tools -> Preferences -> Picture Importation.
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Post by Ant316 »


so you have a very large collection is is best to use the link picture option to create the subfolder with the images and keep just the text in the .amc file?

also I plan to add 2 pictures, one being the main front cover and the other as an xtra which will be the rear cover art. I plan to make these images portrait orientation at a size of 500 x 650 to test how they work at that.

what size do you use antp or would you suggest for the actual cover arts?
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Post by antp »

As I said, the total size of the .amc file should not be more than a few hundreds of MB, as the file is read/written each time you open/save.
For example my list is only 24 MB for more than 2000 entries because I use very small pictures (120x166 with around 10% compression)
There is no precise number or best solution, it depends on a lot of parameters (memory of the computer, speed of the hard disk, time you want to wait each time, number of movies, size and quality of the pictures, etc.)
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Post by Ant316 »


thanks for the reply.
So I think what you are saying is if I am going to use large images then its best to link them into the catalog rather than stoing them in like I have been doing in one large .amc file.

I will test around with a few different sizes to see. I usually used 200 x 317 but on Elman's app (AMC Pocket reader) it makes the text in the pictures too blurry to read so thats the reason i want to improve on that by not making original pics that small.
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Post by Ant316 »

Just an update here that may be of some help to others. I decided to go with a size of 600 x 470 as suggested by user sts85 and its working great, Images quality vs image size is balanced well and its seems to be working great on the amc pocket reader app as well. I have also took antp's advice and added the rear cover art as an extra pic and all works well.

:) :)
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